

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास
चित्रावर क्लिक करा

Thursday 19 September 2024

September 19, 2024


 Q41.The portion of the myofibril between two successive 'Z' lines is called 

(1) Sarcoplasm 

(2) Sarcolemma 

(3) Sarcomere 

(4) Sarcosome 



Q42.Which type of joint is seen between carpals? 

(1) Saddle joint 

(2) Gliding joint 

(3) Ball & socket joint 

(4) Pivot joint 



Q43.Patella, the knee cap bone 

(1) Sesamoid bone 

(2) Replacing bone 

(3) Investing bone 

(4) Endochondral bone 



Q44.What amount of lactic acid is converted into glycogen during Cori's cycle? 

(1) 1/5th 

(2) 3/5th 

(3) 4/5th 

(4) 2/5 th



Q45.Which of the following bone of the skull has a cavity to lodge pituitary gland in it? 

(1) Ethmoid 

(2) Sphenoid 

(3) Occipital 

(4) Parietal 



Q46.Each muscle fibre is surrounded by connective tissue sheath called 

(1) Endomysium 

(2) Perimysium 

(3) Epimysium 

(4) Fascia 



Q47.Which of the following statement is not true regarding A-band? 

(1) Middle part contains M-line 

(2) Length remains constant during the muscle contraction 

(3) Includes H-zone and M-line 

(4) Has thick filaments only 



Q48.Which of the following muscle disorder occurs due to formation of defective antibodies? 

(1) Osteoarthritis 

(2) Myasthenia gravis 

(3) Muscular dystrophy 

(4) Hypertrophy 



Q49. When a muscle fibre contracts, it contracts maximally. This idea supports 

(1) Single muscle twitch 

(2) All or none principle 

(3) Muscle fatigue 

(4) Rigor mortis



Q50.Which joints do not allow any movement? 

(1) Cartilaginous joints 

(2) Fibrous joints 

(3) Synovial joints 

(4) Saddle joints 


Wednesday 18 September 2024

September 18, 2024


 Q31.Intervertebral discs are the joints between bodies of adjacent vertebrae. This is an example of 

(1)Cartilaginous joint 

(2) Fibrous joint 

(3) Saddle joint 

(4) Gliding joint 



Q32.Decreased level of estrogen in the females after menopause is implicated as a common causative factor of

(1) Osteoarthritis

(2) Osteoporosis

(3) Rheumatoid arthritis

(4) Muscular dystrophy



Q33.A slightly elevated ridge called, 'spine' which terminates as a flat 'acromian process' is present on 

(1) Ventral surface of scapula 

(2) Dorsal surface of scapula 

(3) Lateral surface of pubis 

(4) Centrum of thoracic vertebrae 



Q34.The central part of thick filament, not overlapped by thin filaments when a muscle is in relaxed state is is called 

(1) A-zone 

(2) I-zone 

(3) H-zone 

(4) O-zone 



Q35.Which of the following ion is essential for muscle contraction? 

(1) Na 

(2) K 

(3) Ca 

(4) CI 



Q36. Each arm of human is made of 

(1) 30 bones 

(2) 20 bones 

(3) 60 bones 

(4) 15 bones 



Q37.Which of following is not an example of synovial joint? 

(1) Joint between humerus and pectoral girdle 

(2) Joint between atlas and axis 

(3) Joint between adjacent vertebrae 

(4)  Knee joint 



Q38.Rapid spasms (wild contractions) in muscle due to low Ca in body fluid 

(1) Myasthenia gravis 

(2) Muscular dystrophy

(3)  Tetany 

(4) Arthritis 



Q39.Arrange the following steps in a sequence occurring during muscle contraction 

(a) Release of calcium ion into sarcoplasm

(b) Binding of calcium with a subunit of troponin on actin filaments 

(c) Neural signal reaching neuromuscular junction releases acetylcholine 

(d) Action potential generated in sarcolemma of muscle fibre 

(e) Myosin head binds to exposed active sites on actin to form cross bridge 

(1) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)

(2) (c), (d), (a), (b), (e) 

(3) (c), (a), (b), (d), (e)

(4) (b), (d), (c), (a), (e)



Q40.Number of lumbar vertebrae in human skeleton is 

(1) 12 

(2) 7 

(3) 5 

(4) 2 



Tuesday 17 September 2024

September 17, 2024


 Q21.The neurotransmitter usually released between a motor neuron and muscle cell is

(1) Serotonin 

(2) Dopamine 

(3) GABA 

(4) Acetylcholine 



Q22.Complete the analogy w.r.t. each human limb Carpals: 8:: Tarsals: 

(1) 16 

(2) 8 

(3) 14  

(4) 7 



Q23.Read the following statements and choose the correct option  

(1) There are 12 pairs of thoracic vertebrae in man 

(2) White muscle fibres contain a higher amount of oxygen storing protein than red muscle fibres. 

(3) A muscle twitch is a single action potential causing brief contraction and then relaxation 

(4) Sternum is present on the dorsal side of the body in humans 



Q24.A single, U-shaped bone present at the base of the buccal cavity is 

(1) Hyoid 

(2) Sphenoid 

(3) Mandible 

(4) Occipital 



Q25.How many of the following cannot be considered as function(s) of the skeletal system?

(1) Support for locomotion

(2) Protection from enemies

(3) Source of minerals

(4) Production of blood cells

Choose the correct option 

(1) Two 

(2) One 

(3) Four

(4) Zero



Q26.Cytoplasmic streaming, a characteristic of Amoeba and white blood cells of vertebrates is caused by 

(1) Sliding microtubules

(2) Elongating cell walls 

(3) Contracting microfilaments 

(4) Relaxing microtubules 

Ans. 3


Q27.The regulatory protein of skeletal muscles whose filaments run close to the F-actin throughout its length is 

(1) Troponin T 

(2) Troponin C 

(3) Titin 

(4) Tropomyosin



 Q28.An active ATPase activity and binding site for ATP and actin filaments are found on 

(1) Light meromyosin 

(2) Short tail of heavy meromyosin 

(3) Globular head of heavy meromyosin 

(4) Long tail of the meromyosin monomer



 Q29.Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle mostly due to genetic disorder is

(1) Muscular dystrophy 

(2) Tetany 

(3) Gout 

(4) Arthritis 



Q30.Visceral muscles are also known as 

(1) Voluntary striated muscles 

(2) Voluntary non-striated muscles 

(3) Involuntary non-striated muscles. 

(4) Involuntary striated muscles


Monday 16 September 2024

September 16, 2024


 Q11.Globular regulatory protein of skeletal muscle fibres is 

(1) Tropomyosin 

(2) Myosin 

(3) Actin 

(4) Troponin 



Q12.Which of the following is not an auto immune disorde 

(1) Simple gout 

(2) Rheumatoid arthritis 

(3) Myasthenia gravis 

(4) Multiple sclerosis 



Q13.Property common to muscular and neural tissues is 

(1) Elasticity 

(2) Extensibility 

(3) Contractility 

(4) Excitability 

Ans 4


Q14.Read the given features. 

a. Absence of sarcomere 

b. Presence of nucleus 

c. Syncytial appearance 

d. Presence of gap junctions Choose the option that reflects features of muscle fibres located in inner walls of reproductive tract.   

(1) a & b only 

(2) a, b & d 

(3) c & d only 

(4) a, b, c & d 

Ans .2


Q15.Dimensions of which of the following remains unaffected when skeletal muscle fibres are in maximally contracted state

(1)Region between two Z lines 

(2) Anisotropic band 

(3) Isotropic band 

(4) 'H' zone 



Q16.Red muscle fibres differ from white muscle fibres as 

(1) Former contains large quantities of oxygen binding pigment hemoglobin 

(2) Latter has larger amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum than former 

(3) Former are unbranched and multinucleated while latter are not 

(4) Latter are responsible for aerobic respiration while former undergo only anaerobic respiration 



Q17.Locomotory structures in macrophages found in sem tissues are

(1) Flagella

(2) Cilia 

(3) Stereocilia 

(4) Pseudopodia 



Q18.'I'am primarily involved in locomotory actions and changes of body postures. 'I' have striped muscle fibres when observed through the microscope and my activities are under the voluntary control of the nervous system. Who am '1'?

(1) Cardiac muscles 

(2) Iris 

(3) Biceps 

(4) Visceral muscles 



Q19.Sliding filament model of muscle contraction suggests that, the polymerised molecules the move to shorten & muscle as those of 

(1) Troponin 

(2) Collagen

(3) Actin

(4) Myosin



Q20.lons essential for muscle contraction are stored in 

(1) Sarcoplasm  

(2) Sarcoplasmic reticulum 

(3) Sphaerosomes 

(4) Sarcosomes 



Sunday 15 September 2024

September 15, 2024


Q1. Type of joint where flat skull bones fuse end to end with the help of dense fibrous connective tissue is called 

(1) Synovial joint

(2) Gliding joint 

(3) Fibrous joint 

(4) Cartilaginous joint



 Q2. The flat bone of axial skeleton lying on the ventral midline of thorax is  

(1) Ribs

(2) Sternum

(3) Clavicle 

(4) Hyoid



Q3. Bone not a part of appendicular skeleton is 

(1) Sphenoid 

(2) Scapula

(3) Patella 

(4) Pubis



Q4.. Select the correct match between the bones in humans listed in column I with their corresponding number in column ll

        Column l.             Column ll

(1) Facial bones.      -14

(2) Bones in axial skeleton -206 

(3) Zygomatic bone - 1 

(4) Mandible.             - 2



Q5. Read the given statements. Statement-l : Each coxal bone in man is formed by the fusion of three bones namely ilium, ischium and pubis.

Statement-ll : At the point of fusion of the above listed bones is a cavity called glenoid, with which the thigh bone articulates. Select the correct option

(1) Statement II is correct

(2) Statement I is incorrect

(3) Both statement I and II are correct  

(4) Statement I is correct while statement incorrect 



Q.6 Knee joint and elbow joint are examples of

(1) Pivot joint 

(2) Gliding joint

(3) Saddle joint Hinge joint 

(4) Hinge joint



Q7. Which one of the following is the correc description of the given part of human skeleton? 

 (1) The 9th and 10th pairs of ribs are called vertebrosternal ribs

 (2) First vertebra is atlas which articulates with the occipital condyles

 (3) Each pectoral girdle comprises one clavicle and one scapula

 (4) The number of sacral vertebrae is five in both adults and foetus 



 Q8.Select th  activity which would essentially involve movement but not result in locomotion? 

(1) Walking 

(2) Climbing

(3) Talking

(4) Swimming



Q9.How many vertebro-chondral ribs are present in the human? 

(1) 7 pairs 

(2) 2 pairs 

(3) 3 pairs

(4) 12 pairs



Q10.Among the following, limited movement is permitted by joint present at / between  

(1) Adjacent vertebrae 

(2) Junction of carpal and metacarpal of thumb 

(3) Atlanto-occipital joint 

(4) Femur and acetabulum



Saturday 14 September 2024

September 14, 2024

Transport in plant


Q76. Guard cells help in: 

(1) Transpiration 

(2) Guttation 

(3) Fighting against infection 

(4) Protection against grazing



Q77. The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessel/tracheids during the ascent of sap because of 

(1) Transpiration pull 

(2) Lignified thick walls 

(3) Cohesion and adhesion 

(4) Weak gravitational pull



Q78. Two cells A and B are contiguous Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure-7atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. The result will be 

(1) Movement of water of Cell A to B 

(2) Movement of water from Cell B to A 

(3) No movement of water 

(4) Equilibrium between the two



Q79. The translocation of organic solutes in sieve tube members is supported by 

(1) Root pressure and transpiration pull 

(2) P-proteins 

(3) Mass flow involving a carrier and ATP 

(4) Cytoplasmic streaming



Q80. Potometer works on the principle of

(1) Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired 

(2) Osmotic pressure 

(3) Root pressure 

(4) Potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant


Friday 13 September 2024

September 13, 2024

Transport in plant NEET MCQ


Q136. Although a girdled (upto bast) tree may survive for sometime, but it will eventually die because 

(1) Water will not move upward 

(2) Water will not move downward

(3) Sugars and other organic solutes will not move downward 

(4) Sugars and other organic solutes will not move upward



Q137. Phloem loading and unloading process are respectively 

(1) Active, Passive 

(2) Passive, Active 

(3) Active, Active 

(4) Passive, Passive



Q138. A. Much of nitrogen in xylem sap is carried in organic form. 

B. In phloem, movement of nutrients is always unidirectional. 

(1) Only A is correct  

(2) Only B is correct 

(3) Both A & B are correct 

(4) Both A & B are incorrect



Q139. Requirement of special membrane proteins and highly selective nature are features related to 

(1) Simple diffusion 

(2) Facilitated diffusion 

(3) Active transport 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q140. Phenomenon of plasmolysis can be exploited for 

(1) Causing plasmolysis of microbes in highly salted pickles 

(2) Preventing growth of mirobes in jams and jellies 

(3) Elimination of weeds 

(4) All of these



Q141. According to potassium pump theory, which activity will not occur for the opening of stomata? 

(1) Dissociation of malic acid 

(2) Passive process of ion exchange 

(3) Transport of H+ ions from guard cells to subsidiary cells 

(4) Increased OP of guard cells by potassium malate



Q142. Find odd one w.r.t. chief sink for mineral elements 

(1) Apical and lateral meristem 

(2) Young leaves 

(3) Fruits and seeds 

(4) Mature leaves



Q143. Which of the following contributes about 1% of the total transpiration in plants? 

(1) Bark transpiration 

(2) Cuticular transpiration 

(3) Lenticular transpiration 

(4) Stomatal transpiration



Q144. Cobalt-Chloride test is for demonstration of 

(1) Imbibition 

(2) Transpiration 

(3) Guttation 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q145. Select an incorrect statement 

(1) Guard cells are dumb-bell shaped in Poaceae

(2) Inner wall of the guard cell is thin and elastic in dicots 

(3) Cellulosic microfibrils are arranged radially in guard cells 

(4) Guard cells are bordered by one or more subsidiary



Q146. Which of the following substance acts as best imbibant?

(1) Phycocolloids

(2) Protein

(3) Starch

(4) Cellulose



Q147. What is/are essential for imbibition to occur?  

(1) Affinity between imbibant and imbibate

(2) Water potential gradient between imbibant and imbibate

(3) Low temperature condition 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q148. During process of active absorption of water 

(1) The responsible force develops in roots  

(2) Rate will be higher than passive absorption 

(3) A negative pressure is developed in root xylem 

(4) OP and energy play no role



Q149. Select an incorrect statement 

(1) Root pressure has never been observed in conifers 

(2) Root pressure cannot be inhibited by using cyanide, lack of O2 and low temperature 

(3) Root pressure can re-establish the continuous chain of water molecules in the xylem

(4) Develops during early morning and night


Q150. According to Dixon and Jolly theory, all given factors contribute to ascent of sap, except 

(1) Cohesive and adhesive force of water 

(2) Vertical water column in xylem fibres and parenchyma 

(3) Continuity of water column 

(4) Transpiration pull


Thursday 12 September 2024

September 12, 2024

Transport in plant NEET MCQ

 Q121. Which is not a characteristic of imbibition? 

(1) It is a reversible phenomenon 

(2) Heat is generated 

(3) Involves both capillarity and adsorption 

(4) It is a property of hydrophobic and lyophobic colloids



Q122. Phenomenon not associated with root pressure is 

(1) Sap exudation 

(2) Bleeding 

(3) Guttation 

(4) Transpiration



Q123. Which is not true for root pressure

(1) Positive hydrostatic pressure

(2)  Maximum during the day and minimum during night 

(3) Magnitude is 1-2 bars 

(4) Develops due to metabolic activity of




Q124. Phenomenon of guttation 

(1) is regulated by Cohesion-Tension 

(2) is due to active solute accumulation by phloem 

(3) Takes place to release excessive solutes 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q125. Which of the following statement for hydathodes is correct?  

(1) Opens to release excessive pure water from 

(2) Contains a loosely arranged parenchyma called epithem 

(3) These are found at the tips of the veins in leaves 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q126. A- Most researchers agree that water is mainly 'pulled upward through the plant, where transpiration is the driving force. 

B- Less than one percent of water reaching the leaves is used in plant growth and photosynthesis 

C- Cobalt chloride paper turns blue on absorbing water 

(1) All are correct 

(2) Only C is incorrect 

(3) Only B is incorrect 

(4) Only A is correct



Q127. In a stomatal apparatus, cellulosic microfibrils are oriented 

(1) Longitudinally on subsidiary cells 

(2) Radially in the cell walls of guard cells 

(3) Radially and longitudinally in wall of guard cells 

(4) Longitudinally on both guard cells 



Q128. According to potassium pump theory of Levitt 

(1) Starch is incompletely oxidized to PEP during night 

(2) Malic acid dissociates into malate ion and protons in the subsidiary cells 

(3) Movement of H+ ions from guard cell to subsidiary cell is active 

(4) Potassium malate decrease the OP of guard cells during day



Q129. A - in dry atmosphere, the relative humidity is low, so the rate of transpiration increases 

B - Slow breeze promotes the rate of transpiration 

C - ABA promotes transpiration 

D - High salt concentration in soil water increases transpiration

(1) C and D are correct 

(2) B and C are correct 

(3) A and C are correct 

(4) A and B are correct



Q130. The conditions under which transpiration would be most rapid are 

(1) Excess of water in soil only 

(2) Low humidity, high temperature, turgid guard cells and moist soil 

(3) Low velocity of wind only 

(4) High humidity



Q131. During stomatal opening (photoactive) which does not occur? 

(1) Increase in pH of guard cells 

(2) Hydrolysis of starch in guard cells 

(3) Increased TP of subsidiary cells 

(4) Dissociation of malic acid in guard cell



Q132. Incorrect statement in relation to stomatal apparatus is 

(1) Cellulose microfibrils are arranged longitudinally to axis of stomata 

(2) Subsidiary cells are located as modified epidermal cells 

(3) Guard cells may be ellipsoidal in monocots 

(4) Inner walls of guard cells are thick and elastic 



Q133. Select Incorrect statement w.r.t. translocation of mineral ions. 

(1) The chief sinks for the mineral elements are the apical and lateral meristems. 

(2) Most readily mobilised elements are N, P. K. 

(3) Most of the nitrogen travels as inorganic ions through xylem. 

(4) Small amount of P and S are carried as organic compounds through xylem.



Q134. A - Transport of water and minerals in Xylem, is --- A --- 

B - Transport of organic and mineral nutrients is --- B--- 

(1) A- Unidirectional, B- Unidirectional 

(2) A-Multidirectional, B-Multidirectional 

(3) A-Multidirectional, B- Unidirectional 

(4) A-Unidirectional, B- Multidirectional



Q135. According to the pressure flow hypothesis 

A. Phloem loading produces a hypertonic condition in the sieve tubes. 

B. Water potential gradient facilitates the mass movement in the phloem. 

C. Phloem unloading is a passive process.

(1) A & B are incorrect 

(2) B & C are incorrect 

(3) A & B are correct 

(4) A & C are correct



Wednesday 11 September 2024

September 11, 2024

Transport in plant NEET MCQ


Q106. Phloem helps in translocation of 

(1) Hormones 

(2) Reducing sugars 

(3) Only sucrose 

(4) Only amides



Q107. Substances soluble in lipids diffuse ------- through the membrane  

(1) By active transport 

(2) Faster 

(3) By facilitated transport 

(4) Slower



 Q108. Which of the following is a plant factor which affects transpiration? 

(1) Light 

(2) Relative humidity 

(3) Available soil water 

(4) Root shoot ratio



Q109. Active transport as well as facilitated diffusion both 

(1) Require ATP (energy) 

(2) Are highly selective 

(3) Show downhill movement of ions 

(4) Show uphill movement of ions



Q110. Minerals are unloaded at fine vein ending then they are picked up by cells through 

(1) Passive antiport 

(2) Simple diffusion 

(3) Passive symport 

(4) Active transport 



Q111. Xylem helps in translocation of 

(1) Amides 

(2) Some hormones 

(3) Water and minerals 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q112. Consider the following statements and select the right choice. 

(a) A simple experiment, called girdling was used to identify the tissues through which food is transported 

(b) More than five percent of water reaching the leaves is used in photosynthesis and plant growth. 

(c) Facilitated diffusion is specific 

(d) Diffusion is not dependent on a living system 

(1) Only (a) is correct 

(2) (a), (b) & (c) are correct 

(3) Only (b) is incorrect 

(4) All are correct



Q113. A cell is placed in 0.6 M solution of sugar and no change in volume of cell is found What is the concentration of the cell sap? 

(1) 60 M                (2) 6 M 

(3) 0.6 M               (4) 0.40 M



Q114. Transpiration and root pressure cause water to rise in plants by (respectively) 

(1) Pulling it upward 

(2) Pushing and pulling 

(3) Pushing it upward 

(4) Pulling and pushing



Q115. Facilitated diffusion is characterized by all, except 

(1) Requirement of membrane proteins 

(2) Uphill transport 

(3) No requirement of energy 

(4) Highly selective nature



Q116. Which is not true regarding active water absorption? 

(1) Require energy 

(2) Occurs only when transpiration is slow

(3) Living cells are essential 

(4) Force develops in shoot



Q117. Water channels are 

(1) Made up of eight similar types of aquaporins 

(2) Involved in active transport 

(3) Involved in facilitated diffusion 

(4) More than one option is correct



Q118. A perfect partition between osmotically active system and pure water in physical conditions can be formed by a 

(1) Semipermeable membrane 

(2) Selective permeable membrane 

(3) Impermeable membrane 

(4) Freely permeable membrane



Q119. When a cell is fully turgid, which of the following will be zero? 

(1) Osmotic pressure 

(2) Turgor pressure 

(3) Wall pressure 

(4) Suction pressure



Q120. Which is a correct order (w.r.t. imbibing capacity in decreasing order)? 

(1) Agar-agar > Pectin > Proteins > Starch Cellulose 

(2) Agar-agar > Protein > Pectin > Cellulose > Starch 

(3) Proteins > Agar-agar > Pectin > Starch > Cellulose 

(4) Agar-agar > Starch > Protein > Cellulose > Pectin


Tuesday 10 September 2024

September 10, 2024

Transport in plant NEET MCQ


Q91. Potometer works on the principle of 

(1) Osmotic pressure 

(2) Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired 

(3) Root pressure 

(4) Potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant



Q92. Which of the following get accumulated in the vacuoles of guard cells during stomatal opening? 

(1) Water, calcium and magnesium 

(2) Starch, potassium and chloride ions 

(3) Malate, sodium and potassium ions 

(4) Malate, potassium and chloride lons



Q93. The movement of water, from one cell of cortex to adjacent one in roots, is due to

(1) Accumulation of inorganic salts in the cells 

(2) Accumulation of organic compounds in the cells 

(3) Water potential gradient 

(4) Matrix potential gradient



Q94. Which of the following is the most accepted theory for movement of water through plants? 

(1) Cohesion tension theory 

(2) Capillarity 

(3) Imbibition theory 

(4) Root pressure



Q95. The translocation of organic solutes in sieve tube members is supported by 

(1) Cytoplasmic streaming 

(2) Root pressure and transpiration pull 

(3) P-proteins 

(4) Mass flow involving a carrier and ATP



Q96. Loading of phloem is related to 

(1) Increase of sugar in phloem 

(2) Elongation of phloem cell 

(3) Separation of phloem parenchyma 

(4) Strengthening of phloem fiber



Q97. Bidirectional translocation of solutes takes place in 

(1) Parenchyma 

(2) Cambium 

(3) Xylem 

(4) Phloem



Q98. Water potential is 

A. Mainly determined by solute potential and pressure potential 

B. Taken to be zero for pure water at standard temperature which is not under any pressure 

(1) Only B is correct 

(2) Both A and B are correct 

(3) Both A and B are incorrect 

(4) Only A is correct



Q99. Wooden doors and windows swell up and stuck in rainy season, it is due to 

(1) Endosmosis 

(2) Plasmolysis 

(3) Deplasmolysis 

(4) Imbibition



Q100. The movement of water through the system of interconnected protoplasts also involve  

(1) Mass flow 

(2) Intercellular spaces only 

(3) Cytoplasmic streaming 

(4) Walls of the cells



Q101. Loss of water in liquid phase from leaf tips of herbaceous plants is --A-- It occurs due to --B-- 

(1) A Guttation B-Transpiration pull 

(2) A-Transpiration B-Transpiration pull 

(3) A-Guttation B-Root pressure 

(4) A-Transpiration B-Root pressure



Q102. Immediate cause of the opening or closing of the stomata is 

(1) Change in the turgidity of the guard cells

(2) Low light intensity 

(3) High humidity in atmosphere 

(4) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose microfibrils in guard cells



Q103. All are the chief sinks of mineral elements, except 

(1) Apical meristem 

(2) Storage organ 

(3) Young leaves 

(4) Senescent organs



Q104. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events involved in phloem transport? 

(1) Source [loading] - Sieve tubes - Companion cells - Sink [unloading] 

(2) Source [unloading] - Companion cells -  Sieve tubes - Sink [loading] 

(3) Source [loading] - Companion cells -  Sieve tubes - Sink [unloading] 

(4) Sink [loading] - Companion cells - Sieve tubes - Source [unloading]



Q105. Which of the following requires energy? 

(1) Imbibition 

(2) Facilitated diffusion 

(3) Loading of food in phloem 

(4) Simple Diffusion
