

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास
चित्रावर क्लिक करा

Monday 21 October 2024

October 21, 2024

 Q76.Fight-or-flight reactions cause activation of 

(1) The parathyroid glands, leading increased metabolic rate 

(2) The kidney, leading to suppression of renin- angiotensin-aldosterone pathway (3)The adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine 

(4) The pancreas leading to a reduction in the blood sugar levels 



Q77.Identify the hormone with its correct matching of source and function: 

(1) Oxytocin - posterior pituitary, growth and maintenance of mammary glands

(2) Melatonin-pineal gland, regulates the normal rhythm of sleepwake cycle 

(3) Progesterone-corpus-luteum, stimulation of growth and activities of female secondary sex organs 

(4) Atrial natriuretic factor - ventricular wall increases the blood pressure



Q78.Which of the following statement is correct in relation to the endocrine system? 

(1) Organs in the body like gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney and liver do not produce any hormones 

(2) Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amount that act as intercellular messenger are known as hormones 

(3) Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland 

(4) Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus 



Q79.A pregnant female delivers a baby who suffers from stunted growth, mental retardation, low intelligence quotient and abnormal skin. This is the result of 

(1) Low secretion of growth hormone 

(2) Cancer of the thyroid gland 

(3) Over secretion of pars distalis  

(4) Deficiency of iodine in diet 



Q80.Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus)  

(1) Somatostatin, oxytocin 

(2) Cortisol, testosterone 

(3) Insulin, glucagon 

(4) Thyroxin, Insulin



Q81.Which one of the following pairs of chemical substances, is correctly categorised? 

(1) Secretin and  - Polypeptide 

  rhodopsin            hormone   

(2) Calcitonin and - Thyroid

thymosin.                 hormones 

(3) Pepsin and prolactin - Two 

 secreted                           digestive 

in stomach                       enzymes 

(4) Troponin and - Complex protein 

myosin                    in

striated muscle 



Q82.The 24 hour (diurnal) rhythm of our body such as the sleep-wake cycle is regulated by the hormone.

(1) Adrenaline 

(2) Melatonin 

(3) Calcitonin 

(4) Prolactin 



Q83.Injury to adrenal cortex is not likely to affect the secretion of which one of the following? 

(1) Cortisol 

(2) Aldosterone 

(3) Both androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone 

(4) Adrenaline 



Q84.Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?  

(1) Insulin-Diabetes mellitus 


(2) Glucagon - Beta cells (source) 

(3) Somatostatin - Delta cells 


(4) Corpus luteum - Relaxin 




Q85.Toxic agents present in food which interfere with thyroxine synthesis lead to the development of 

(1) Thyrotoxicosis 

(2) Toxic goitre 

(3) Cretinism 

(4) Simple goitre



Q86.The letter T in T-lymphocyte refers to

(1) Thalamus 

(2) Tonsil 

(3) Thymus 

(4) Thyroid 



Q87.A health disorder that results from the deficiency of thyroxine in adults and characterised by (i) a low metabolic rate, (ii) increase in body weight and (ii) tendency to retain water in tissues is: 

(1) Simple goitre 

(2) Myxoedema 

(3) Cretinism 

(4) Hypothyroidism 



Q88.Which one of the following is an amine hormone? 

(1) Progesterone 

(2) Thyroxine 

(3) Oxypurin 

(4) Insulin 



Q89.The blood calcium level is lowered by the deficiency of 

(1) Calcitonin 

(2) Parathormone 

(3) Thyroxine 

(4) Both Calcitonin and Parathormone



Q90.Which of the following pairs of organs includes only the endocrine glands? 

(1) Adrenal and Ovary 

(2) Parathyroid and Adrenal 

(3) Pancreas and Parathyroid 

(4) Thymus and Testes 



Q91.Compared to a bull a bullock is docile because of 

(1) Lower levels of adrenalin/noradrenalin in its blood

(2) Higher levels of thyroxin 

(3) Higher levels of cortisone 

(4) Lower levels of blood testosterone 


Sunday 20 October 2024

October 20, 2024

 Q61.Which of the following conditions will stimulate parathyroid gland to release parathyroid hormone?   

(1) Rise in blood Ca+² levels 

(2) Fall in active Vitamin D levels 

(3) Fall in blood Ca+² levels 

(4) Fall in bone Ca+² levels 



Q62.How does steroid hormone influence the cellular activities 

(1) Changing the permeability of the cell membrane 

(2) Binding to DNA and forming a gene-hormone complex  

(3) Activating cyclic AMP located on the cell membrane  

(4) Using aquaporin channels as second messenger 



Q63.Match the following hormones with the respective disease 

(a) Insulin (I)Addison's disease

(b) Thyroxin (ii) Diabetes insipidus 

(c) Corticoids (iii) Acromegaly 

(d) Growth Hormone (iv) Goitre

                                       (v) Diabetes mellitus Select the correct option. 

      (a)      (b)      (c)         (d) 

(1)(v).      (i).       (ii).       (iii)

(2)(ii).      (iv).     (iii).       (i)

(3)(v).      (iv).      (i)         (iii)

(4)(ii).      (iv).       (i)         (iii)



Q64.Which of the following is an amino acid derived hormone? 

(1) Epinephrine 

(2) Ecdysone  

(3) Estriol 

(4) Estradiol 



Q65.Which of the following hormones can play a significant role in osteoporosis? 

(1) Aldosterone and Prolactin 

(2) Progesterone and Aldosterone  

(3) Parathyroid hormone and Prolactin 

(4) Estrogen and Parathyroid hormone 



Q66.Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adults does not cause further increase in height, because  

(1) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults 

(2) Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence 

(3) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth Hormone in adults 

(4) Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth



Q67.Which hormones do stimulate the production of pancreatic juice and bicarbonate? 

(1) Angiotensin and epinephrine 

(2) Gastrin and insulin 

(3) Cholecystokinin and secretin 

(4) Insulin and glucagon 



Q68.Graves' disease is caused due to 

(1) Hyposecretion of thyroid gland 

(2) Hypersecretion of thyroid gland 

(3) Hyposecretion of adrenal gland 

(4) Hypersecretion of adrenal gland 



Q69.Name a peptide hormone which acts mainly on hepatocytes, adipocytes and enhances cellular glucose uptake and utilization. 

(1) Insulin 

(2) Glucagon 

(3) Secretin 

(4) Gastrin 



Q70.The posterior pituitary gland is not a 'true' endocrine gland because

(1) It is provided with a duct 

(2) It only stores and releases hormones

(3) It is under the regulation of hypothalamus 

(4) It secretes enzymes 



Q71.Which of the following pairs of hormones are not antagonistic (having opposite effects) to each other? 

(1) Relaxin.              -   Inhibin 

(2) Parathormone  -   Calcitonin 

(3) Insulin.               -   Glucagon 

(4) Aldosterone      -   Atrial 





Q72.The amino acid Tryptophan is the precursor for the synthesis of  

(1) Cortisol and Cortisone 

(2) Melatonin and Serotonin 

(3) Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine 

(4) Estrogen and Progesterone 



Q73.Which one of the following hormones is not involved in sugar metabolism?  

(1) Glucagon 

(2) Aldosterone 

(3) Cortisone

(4) Insulin



Q74.Which one of the following hormones though synthesised elsewhere, is stored and released by the master gland? 

(1) Melanocyte stimulating hormone 

(2) Antidiuretic hormone 

(3) Luteinizing hormone 

(4) Prolactin 



Q75.A chemical signal that has both endocrine and neural roles is 

(1) Cortisol 

(2) Melatonin 

(3) Calcitonin 

(4) Epinephrine 


Friday 18 October 2024

October 18, 2024

 Q31.Read the following statements and choose the correct option. 

(a) Calcitonin regulates the metabolism of calcium 

(b) Oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterine muscles during birth 

(c) Grave's disease is caused by malfunctioning of adrenal gland 

(d) ADH decreases absorption of water and increases the urine production 

(1) (a), (b) & (c) are true, only (d) is false 

(2) Only (a) is true, (b), (c) & (d) are false 

(3) (a) & (d) are false, (b) & (c) are true 

(4) (a) & (b) are true; (c) & (d) are false



Q32.Which statement is not correct with ADH? 

(1) When the amount of ADH decreases in blood, micturition increases 

(2) Alcohol promotes secretion of ADH, and behaves as antidiuretic substance 

(3) ADH is produced mainly by the supraoptic nucleus which lies above the optic chiasma 

(4) Hyposecretion of ADH results in diabetes insipidus



Q33.Identify the pituitary hormone that is predominantly under inhibitory control of hypothalamus. 

(1) GH 

(2) TSH 

(3) Prolactin 

(4) FSH 



Q34.All of the following hormones are likely to be present in hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vein except 

(1) Somatotropin 

(2) Somatostatin 

(3) Somatocrinin 

(4) Prolactin releasing hormone



Q35.The hormone that regulates carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, gives ability to cope with stress and is also immunosuppressive in nature is 

(1) Insulin 

(2) Cortisol 

(3) Adrenaline 

(4) Thyroxine



Q36.A drop in blood Na+ content, blood volume or blood pressure or a rise in blood K+ concentration stimulates release of 

(1) Adrenaline 

(2) Aldosterone 

(3) Thyrocalcitonin 

(4) Cortisol



Q37.Muscular tetany can be caused by deficiency of 

(1) Thyroxine 

(2) STH 

(3) Parathormone 

(4) ADH 



Q38.Thymus in mammals is mainly concerned with 

(1) Regulation of body growth 

(2) Secretion of thyrotropin 

(3) Regulation of body temperature 

(4) Immunological functions 



Q39.Renin is a hormone responsible for 

(1) Reduction in blood pressure 

(2) Vasodilation of blood vessels 

(3) Conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin 

(4) Stimulation of frequent urination 



Q40.Mark the incorrect statement w.r.t. functions of androgen. 

(1) Regulate the development, maturation and functions of male accessory sex organs 

(2) Play a stimulatory role in the process of spermatogenesis 

(3) Act on central nervous system and influence the male sexual behaviour (libido)

(4) Produce catabolic effects on protein and carbohydrate metabolism 



Q41.Chemical composition of hormones includes 

(1) Steroids only 

(2) Proteins only 

(3) Biogenic amines only 

(4) Proteins, glycoproteins, steroids and biogenic amines 



Q42.Hypothyroidism in adults and hyperparathyroidism will respectively lead to 

(1) Myxedema and cretinism 

(2) Addision's disease and cretinism 

(3) Myxedema and osteitis fibrosa cystica

(4) Cretinism and osteitis fibrosa cystica 



Q43.The excessive secretion of mineralocorticoids independent of Renin-angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) results in 

(1) Grave's disease 

(2) Addison's disease 

(3) Conn's syndrome 

(4) Cushing's syndrome is 



Q44.All of the following are glycoprotein across hormones except 

(1) Thyroid stimulating hormone 

(2) Luteinizing hormone 

(3) Follicle stimulating hormone 

(4) Calcitriol 



Q45.Calcitonin does all of the following except 

(1) Retards bone dissolution 

(2) Lowers the amount of calcium and phosphate in the blood 

(3) Lowers calcium in the extracellular fluid

(4) Regulates carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism 


Thursday 17 October 2024

October 17, 2024

 Q16.Select the set of disorders which are caused  to hyposecretion of hormones

(1) Acromegaly and Cretinism 

(2) Exophthalmic goitre and Diabetes mellitus 

(3) Tetany and Cretinism 

(4) Diabetes insipidus and Acromegaly 



Q17.Cortisol can perform all the following functions except 

(1) Lipolysis and proteolysis 

(2) Gluconeogenesis 

(3) Immunosuppressive hormone and stimulates erythropoiesis 

(4) Inflammatory response 



Q18.Biomolecule considered as an intercellular messenger is 

(1) DNA 

(2) mRNA 

(3) Hormone 

(4) Enzyme 



Q19.Select the incorrect statement. 

(1) Autonomous nervous system is a part of CNS 

(2) Somatic nervous system is a part of PNS 

(3) Somatic nervous system relays impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles 

(4) Sensory impulses enter spinal cord through dorsal root ganglia 



Q20.Glucagon is considered a hyperglycemic hormone because of all except 

(1) Performs glycogenolysis 

(2) Stimulates gluconeogenesis 

(3) Inhibits cellular uptake of glucose 

(4) Acts synergistically to insulin 



Q21.Select the odd one w.r.t. hormones of fight or flight. 

(1) Piloerection 

(2) Pupilary dilation 

(3) Decrease in heart rate 

(4) Increase in respiratory rate 



Q22.Underproduction of hormones by adrenal cortex alters carbohydrate metabolism causing acute weakness and fatigue, dehydration and metabolic acidosis. This disease is called 

(1) Addison's disease 

(2) Cushing's syndrome

(3) Conn's syndrome

(4) Adrenal virilism



Q23.Read the following sentences carefully and select the Incorrect statement..

(1) Water soluble hormones produce secondary messengers and accelerate biochemical reactions in the cell 

(2) Receptors for fat soluble hormones are Intracellular in location 

(3) Thyroxine hormone with specific intracellular receptor regulates the gene expression 

(4) cGMP is secondary messenger for adrenaline that interacts with intracellular or nuclear receptors 



Q24.Select the incorrect match. 

(1) Simple goitre  - Deficiency of

                                   iodine in diet 

(2) Thymosin     -  Training school of           


(3) Exopthalmic goitre - Grave's 


(4) Myxedema - Hyperthyroidism


                            childhoodin males



Q25.If receptor molecule is removed from target organ for hormone action, the target organ will 

(1) Continue to respond but with higher concentration of hormone 

(2) Continue to respond but in opposite way 

(3) Continue to respond without any difference 

(4) Not respond to hormone



Q26.Low level of Ca²+ in blood stimulates secretion of 

(1) Parathormone 

(2) Calcitonin 

(3) Thyroxine 

(4) Insulin 



Q27.A patient of diabetes mellitus excretes glucose in urine even when he is kept on a carbohydrate free diet because initially 

(1) Stored glycogen is metabolised 

(2) Amino acids are catabolised in liver 

(3) Amino acids are discharged in blood stream from liver 

(4) Glycogen from muscles is directly released in the blood stream 



Q28.The function of pineal body (melatonin) is to influence 

(1) Regulation of menstrual cycle 

(2) Metabolism 

(3) Pigmentation 

(4) All of these 



Q29.The hyposecretion of which hormones leads to loss of sodium and water through urine and low blood pressure? 

(1) Thyrotropic hormones 

(2) Luteotrophic hormones 

(3) Hormones of adrenal cortex 

(4) Hormones of adrenal medulla 



Q30.Steroid hormones transmit their information by 

(1) Stimulating the receptors present on cell membrane 

(2) Entering into the cell and modifying cellular contents 

(3) Entering into the cell and interacting with nuclear genome 

(4) The help of an intracellular second messenger 


Wednesday 16 October 2024

October 16, 2024



Q1.Destruction of adrenal cortex results in disease known as 

(1) Addison's disease  

(2) Cushing's disease 

(3) Exopthalmic goiter 

(4) Conn's disease



Q2.Hormone that functions through secondary messenger is 

(1) Glucagon 

(2) Estrogen 

(3) Cortisol 

(4) lodothyronines 



Q3.Innermost layer of adrenal cortex secretes mainly. 

(1) Aldosterone  

(2) Cortisol 

(3) Androgenic steroids 

(4) Epinephrine 



Q4.Epinephrine and norepinephrine are known as  

(1) Antidiabetic hormone 

(2) Gametogenic hormone 

(3) Hypoglycemic hormone 

(4) Stress hormones



Q5.All of the following are true for hormone gastrin except  

(1) Acts antagonistically to enterogastrone

(2) Increase secretion of HCI 

(3) Increase secretion of pepsinogen 

(4) Increase secretion of gastric  lipase 



Q6.Hyposecretion of which hormone since pregnancy causes stunted growth in humans? 

(1) PRH 

(2) Thyroxine

(3) FSH 

(4) Insulin

Ans 3


Q7.Nervous system differs from endocrine system because in the former  

(1) Transmission of information is comparatively slower 

(2) Response is comparatively slower 

(3) Response is of longer duration 

(4) Response is limited to only those cells which are innervated by neurons



Q8.Which of the following hormone is not synthesized by pituitary gland?

(1) Gonadotropins 

(2) Somatostatin 

(3) Somatotropin 

(4) Prolactin 



Q9.When blood pressure increases, the atrial wall of our heart secretes a peptide hormone called 

(1) ADH 

(2) ACTH 

(3) ANF 

(4) Aldosterone



Q10.Travelers who quickly cross several time zones experience jet lag due to disruption of their diurnal rhythm which is caused due to 

(1) Deficiency of thyroxine 

(2) Disruption of activity of pineal gland 

(3) Overproduction of MSH 

(4) Deficiency of thymosin 



Q11.A person is having problem with calcium and phosphate metabolism in his body leading to thinning of bones. Which of the following should not be administered to treat his condition?  

(1) Calcitonin  

(2) Calcitriol 

(3) Parathormone  

(4) Vitamin-D3



Q12.Select the odd one among the diabetogenic hormones  

(1) Growth hormone 

(2) Cortisol 

(3) Glucagon 

(4) Insulin 



Q13.Among the following, select the option which cannot occur due to action of catecholamines

(1) Increase in duration of cardiac cycle 

(2) Lipolysis and glycogenolysis 

(3) Stimulate piloerection 

(4) Increase the rate of respiration 



Q14.Degeneration of thymus will lead to 

(1) Hypersecretion of thymosin 

(2) Deficiency of haemoglobin 

(3) Increase in number of mature B-lymphocytes 

(4) Decline of cell mediated immunity 



Q15.All of the following statements are incorrect except 

(1) Secretin acts on endocrine part of pancreas and stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonate ions 

(2) Leydig cells present in seminiferous tubules and corpus luteum are major target of LH 

(3) Epinephrine, melanin and thyroxine are derivatives of aminoacid tyrosine 

(4) CAMP acts as secondary messenger for aldosterone 


Tuesday 15 October 2024

October 15, 2024

Mineral Nutrition NEET MCQ


Q151. Select the incorrect match. 

(1) Mn - Photolysis of water 

(2) Fe - Carbohydrate and  

              water  translocation 

(3) S -   Constituent of 

              coenzyme A 

(4) Ca - Synthesis of 

              middle lamella



Q152. Lack or low level of_________causes an inhibition of cell division. 

(1) Ca, Mg, Cu,K

(2) N, K, S, Mo 

(3) N, K, Mg, S, Fe 

(4) Zn, Mo, Mn



Q153. Deficiency of which set of minerals first appear in older leaves? 

(1) N, K, Mg 

(2) N, Mg, Ca 

(3) S, B, Mg 

(4) Mg, Ca, Fe



Q154. Primary symptom of manganese toxicity is

(1) Appearance of brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins 

(2) Loss of apical dominance 

(3) Little leaf disease  

(4) Reclamation disease



Q155. (a) Xylem is the path of translocation of minerals 

(b) Initial uptake of minerals into the symplast is slow 

(c) Uptake of minerals in inner space is rapid. 

(1) All are correct 

(2) Only (a) is incorrect 

(3) (b) & (c) are incorrect 

(4) Only (c) is incorrect



Q156. Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus and Nitrocystis are involved in the process of 

(1) Ammonification 

(2) Nitrate assimilation 

(3) Nitrification 

(4) Denitrification 



Q157. In ecosystem, denitrification is carried by bacteria 

(1) Nitrobacter 

(2) Nitrosomonas 

(3) Thiobacillus

(4) Nitrocystis



Q158. Decomposition of organic nitrogen of dead plant and animals into ammonia is called: 

(1) Ammonification  

(2) N₂ fixation 

(3) Nitrate assimilation 

(4) Denitrification



Q159. Which of the following is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria ? 

(1) Rhizobium 

(2) Azotobacter 

(3) Both (1) & (2) 

(4) Nitrococcus



Q160. Which of the following plants do not contain Rhizobium in their root nodules? 

(1) Alfalfa and sweet clover 

(2) Alnus and Casuarina 

(3) Sweet pea and lentils 

(4) Garden pea & broad bean



Monday 14 October 2024

October 14, 2024

Mineral Nutrition NEET MCQ

 Q141. Select the correct statements from the given 

(a) Nitrogenase is a heterodimeric protein.

(b) Root hairs curl by action of nitrogenase and plant 'nod factors'. 

(c) During symbiotic N₂ fixation, ATP is provided by legume plant 

(1) (b) & (c) 

(2) (a) & (c) 

(3) Only (c) 

(4) (a) & (b)



Q142. Nitrogenase enzyme found in root nodules in legumes contains 

(1) Mo, Mn, S 

(2) Co, Mo, Ca 

(3) Mo, Fe, S 

(4) Mo, B, S



Q143. The amino acid which plays a central role in nitrogen metabolism is/are 

(1) Glutamic acid 

(2) a-Ketoglutaric acid 

(3) Aspartic acid 

(4) Double aminated keto acids



Q144. Transported and storage form of nitrogen in plants are 

(1) Amides 

(3) Amino acids 

(2) Polypeptides 

(4) a-ketoglutaric acids



Q145. Ureides are preferred forms for storage and transport of nitrogen in 

(1) Triticum aestivum 

(2) Solanum nigrum 

(3) Glycine max 

(4) Allium cepa



Q146. Mark the correct option w.r.t. hydroponics. 

(1) It can avoid problem of soil borne pathogens 

(2) It avoids problem of weeding 

(3) Out of season vegetables and flowers can be obtained 

(4) All of these



Q147. All given statements are correct w.r.t. criteria of essentiality of minerals, except

(1) The element must be absolutely necessary for normal growth and reproduction 

(2) The element must be replaceable by another element 

(3) Absence of a specific element causes deficiency in the plant which is corrected only by adding the specific mineral in the soil 

(4) The element plays a direct role in plant metabolism



Q148. (a) Essential elements are components of energy related compounds

(b) Essential elements are components of structural elements of cells 

(c) Mn²+ is an activator of alcohol dehydrogenase 

(1) All are correct 

(2) Only (a) is incorrect 

(3) Only (b) is incorrect 

(4) Only (c) is incorrect



Q149. Which of the following mineral element is required by plants in the greatest amount? 

(1) Phosphorus 

(2) Sulphur 

(3) Nitrogen 

(4) Potassium



Q150. Which of the given is not a beneficial element? 

(1) Co             (2) Na 

(3) Si               (4) Ni 


Sunday 13 October 2024

October 13, 2024

Mineral Nutrition NEET MCQ


Q131. (a) Moderate decrease or increase of micronutrients causes deficiency and toxicity symptoms respectively. 

(b) Excess of manganese causes toxicity of iron, calcium and molybdenum. 

(c) A macronutrient is said to be toxic when present below a critical concentration. 

(1) Only (a) is correct 

(2) Only (b) is correct 

(3) (b) & (c) are correct 

(4) (a) & (c) are correct



Q132. Essential elements are 

(1) Only micronutrients 

(2) Only macronutrients 

(3) C, H, O & N only 

(4) Both macro and micronutrients



Q133. Movement of electrolytes through the roots is generally 

(1) Against electrochemical gradient and require energy 

(2) Along electrochemical gradient and does not require energy 

(3) A passive process 

(4) Dependent on aquaporins



Q134. Initial phase of ion uptake 

(1) Is passive and apoplastic 

(2) Occurs through symplast 

(3) Is active process  

(4) More than one option is correct



Q135. The translocation of solute is 

(1) Equal to the rate of translocation of water 

(2) Dependent on transpiration pull 

(3) Through xylem vessel 

(4) All of these



Q136. Process of nitrification and nitrate assimilation are 

(1) Oxidation and reduction respectively 

(2) Reduction and oxidation respectively 

(3) Both are oxidation 

(4) Both are reduction



Q137. Which of the following is/are diazotrophs? 

(1) Rhizobium and Azotobacter 

(2) Frankia and Klebsiella 

(3) Anabaena and Nostoc 

(4) All of these



Q138. Leghemoglobin is found in which one of the following organisms? 

(1) Anthoceros 

(2) Groundnut 

(3) Nostoc 

(4) Aulosira



Q139. How many electron and protons are required to fix a dinitrogen? 

(1) 32 each        (2) 8 each 

(3) 16 each        (4) 4 each



Q140. Cycas and Azolla plants are associated with 

(1) Bacillus 

(2) Klebsiella 

(3) Anabaena 

(4) Rhizobium


Saturday 12 October 2024

October 12, 2024

Mineral Nutrition NEET MCQ

 Q121. Minerals which maintain cation-anion balance in cells are 

(1) CI, K            (2) Fe, Cu 

(3) K, P             (4) Ca, Fe



Q122. Which of the following groups of elements are mobile? 

(1) Fe, Ca, B    (2) CI, K 

(3) B, K, N        (4) Ca, Mg, P



Q123. Which of the following elements are required for chlorophyll synthesis? 

(1) Fe and Mg    

(2) Mo and Ca 

(3) Cu and Ca 

(4) Ca and K



Q124. If chlorophyll is burnt, then which of the following is left in ash? 

(1) Manganese 

(2) Magnesium 

(3) Iron 

(4) Sulphur



Q125. Which is not a trace element? 

(1) Mn                (2) Ca 

(3) Mo                (4) K



Q126. Find odd one (w.r.t. critical element) 

(1) Nitrogen 

(2) Potassium 

(3) Nickel 

(4) Phosphorus



Q127. Silicon, Cobalt, Sodium and Selenium are 

(1) Essential minerals 

(2) Beneficial elements 

(3) Macronutrients 

(4) Trace elements



Q128. Tryptophan synthesis, carboxylase activity and little leaf of plants are all associated with 

(1) Zn               (2) B 

(3) Ca               (4) Cu



Q129. Mineral which is part of CoA, Fd, thiamine and lipoic acid is 

(1) Mn             (2) Fe 

(3) S                (4) Ca



Q130. Hunger signs in plants are 

(1) Symptoms due to lesser water absorption in plants 

(2) Symptoms due to poor photosynthesis in plants 

(3) Deficiency symptoms of mineral nutrients 

(4) Symptoms due to excess water absorption in plants


Friday 11 October 2024

October 11, 2024

Mineral Nutrition NEET MCQ


Q111. Minerals known to be required in large amounts for plant growth include 

(1) Calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper 

(2) Potassium, phosphorus, selenium, boron 

(3) Magnesium, sulphur, iron, zinc 

(4) Phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium



Q112. Match the following. 

    Column I                Column ll

a. Boron                (i) Constituent

                                     of chlorophyll                                        

b. Chlorine           (ii) Carbohydrate 

                                      translocation               c. Manganese     (iii) Anion-cation 


d. Magnesium    (iv) Nitrogen 


(1) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i) 

(2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii) 

(3) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i) 

(4) a(iv), b(ii), c(i), d(iii)



Q113. Select the incorrect match. 

(1) Azolla - Anabaena 

(2) Alfalfa - Rhizobium 

(3) Sesbania - Nostoc

(4) Alnus - Frankia 



Q114. How many ATP molecules are required to form one molecule of NH3 during nitrogen fixation? 

(1) 16                 (2) 2 

(3) 6                   (4) 8



Q115. Growing plants in a nutrient solution

(1) Involves use of chelating agent Na-EDTA to keep iron unavailable to plants

(2) Was first demonstrated by Amon and Hoagland 

(3) Also allows growth of algae in containers 

(4) Requires prevention of reaction of light with roots



Q116. Which is not a criteria for essentiality of a mineral? 

(1) Direct role in metabolism 

(2) Requirement is specific 

(3) Deficiency causes hunger signs 

(4) Dispensible for growth



Q117. Which is not a true statement regarding macronutrients? 

(1) Forms plant structure 

(2) Usually become toxic in excess 

(3) No role in electron transfer 

(4) Develop osmotic potential



Q118. Choose correct statement regarding micronutrients 

(1) Become toxic in excess 

(2) Little role in protoplasmic structure 

(3) No role in enzyme activation 

(4) Both (1) & (2) 



Q119. Deficiency of which element causes deficiency of nitrogen 

(1) Mo               (2) K 

(3) S                  (4) Mn



Q120. Minerals associated with redox reactions are 

(1) N, Cu           (2) Fe, Cu 

(3) Mn, Mo       (4) Fe, K 

