Morphology of flowering plant
51. Drug Santonin (anthelmintic) comes from
A. Artemisia
B. Taraxacum
C. Emilia sonchifolia
D. Cantipeda orbicularis
Answer: A
52. Heterogamous head is with
A. Ray florets only
B. Disc florets only
C. Neuter flowers only
D. Both ray and disc florets
Answer: D
53. Zygomorphic flower occurs in the family which is
A. Papilionaceae
B. Poaceae
C. Ray florets of Asteraceae
D. All of these
Answer: D
54. Feathery stigma and versatile stamens are the feature of family
A. Poaceae
B. Umbelliferae
C. Liliaceae
D. Malvaceae
Answer: A
55. In Pisum sativum, the aestivation of corolla is
A. Ascending imbricate
B. Descending imbricate
C. Quincuncial
D. Valvate
Answer: B
56. Monoadelphous condition and
pentacarpellary ovary are present in
A. China rose family
B. Pea family
C. Potato family
D. Yucca family
Answer: A
57. Largest angiospermic family with advanced type of placentation is
A. Poaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Cucurbitaceae
D. Both (1) and (2)
Answer: B
58. Palm oil is extracted from
A. Glycin
B. Gossypium
C. Elaeis
D. Olea
Answer: C
59. Plants yielding colebiaine belong to the family
A. Liliceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Lamiaceae
D. Arecaceae
Answer: A
60. Identify the wrong statement .
A. A plant that bears male , female and
bisexual flowers is polygamous
B. Actinomorphic flowers can be dissected into two equal halves from any plane .
C. Superior ovary is found in hypogynous flowers .
D. Side of the flower towards the bract is called posterior side .
Answer: D
61. A flower with five unequal petals has largest posterior petal , two lateral slighly small petals and two anterior petals partially fused to form a boat-shaped structure . Which is not correct for such a flower ?
A. Descending imbricate aestivation
B. Odd sepal anterior
C. Piston mechanism of pollination
D. Many carpels
Answer: D
62. Staminal tube comes out of flower in
A. Pisum sativum
B. Cassia fstula
C. Hibiscus
D. Iberis
Answer: C
63. Beauty of Bougainvillea flower is due to
A. Corolla
B. Bracts
C. Calyx
D. Androecium
Answer: B
64. When pistillate and besexual flowers develop on defferent plants. The condition is
A. Gynodioecious
B. Gymnomonoecius
C. Polygamodiecius
D. Polygamonoecius
Answer: A
65. Non-essential floral organs without differentiation of calyx and corolla are called
A. Thalamus
B. Pedicel
C. Perianth
D. Lodicules
Answer: C
66. Epicalyx occurs in
A. Cycas
B. Jower
C. Nephrolepis
D. China Rose
Answer: D
67. In guava, curcubits flowers are
A. Hypogynous
B. Epigynous
C. Perigynous
D. Both (1) and (2)
Answer: B
68. To which of the following flower ' synandrous' condition is found
A. Sunflower
B. Gourd
C. Pea
D. Lemon
Answer: B
69. In angiospermic bud condition floral but is covered by whorls of
A. Petals
B. Anthers
C. Sepals
D. Stigmas
Answer: C
70. Overian parts are fused, styles and stigmas free but overy part is uniloculor with free central placentation. The plant is
A. Michelia
B. Nymphaea
C. Abutilon
D. Dianthus
Answer: B
71. Replum is present in the ovary of flower of
A. Mustard
B. Pea
C. Sunflower
D. Lemon
Answer: A
72. A plant has an androecium with manadelphous stamens, monothecous and reniform anthers. The corolla exhibits contorted aestivation. The plant could be
A. Nerium
B. Rauwolfia
C. Hibiscus
D. Lathyrus
Answer: C
73. Pollinia occur in
A. Cruciferae
B. Asteraceae
C. Poaceae
D. Asclepiadaceae
Answer: D
74. Ochreate stipules are found in
A. Leguminosae
B. Polygonaceae
C. Acanthaceae
D. Malvaceae
Answer: B
75. Ovules occur along the ventral suture over a ridge in two rows in placentation
A. Marginal
B. Pareital
C. Axile
D. Free central
Answer: A
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