Morphology of flowering plant
26. The inflorescence of coriander is
A. Umbel
B. Corymb
C. Typical raceme
D. Umbel of umbels
Answer: D
27. Axis of the spikelet is known as
A. Rachilla
B. Pedicel
C. Appendage
D. Rachis
Answer: A
28. Three types of flowers occur in the
inflorescence of
A. Capitulum
B. Hypanthodium
C. Cyanthium
D. Umbel
Answer: B
29. The most advanced type of inflorescence is
A. Corymb
B. Capitulum
C. Spadix
D. Polychasial cyme
Answer: B
30. The elongated part of thalamus between
corolla and androecium is called
A. Anthophore
B. Androphore
C. Gynophore
D. Carpophore
Answer: B
31. If stamens are arranged in two whorls with antipetalous outer whorl , then the condition is
A. Obdiplostamenous
B. Diplostamenous
C. Didynamous
D. Epiphyllous
Answer: A
32. The cohesion of stamens is shown by which one of the following conditions ?
A. Gynandrous
B. Gynostegium
C. Synogenesious
D. Epipetalous
Answer: C
33. The most primitive and advanced type of placentations are , respectively ,
A. Marginal and axile
B. Superficial and axile
C. Superficial and basal
D. Parietal and basal
Answer: C
34. Development of flowers on old stems is an example of
A. Anthesis
B. Polycarpy
C. Anthotaxy
D. Cauliflory
Answer: D
35. Find incorrect match .
A. Campanulate - Bell-shaded corolla
B. Personate - Bilabiate corolla
C. Caryophyllaceous - Butterfly shaped corolla
D. Crusiform - Funnel shape
Answer: C
36. Flower with inferior ovary is
A. Hypogynous flower
B. Perigynous flower
C. Dichogamous flower
D. Epigynous flower
Answer: D
37. Perianth modifies into Iodicules in the members which also contain
A. Spikelet inflorescence
B. Monocarpellary ovary
C. Tetramerous flower
D. Both (1) and (2)
Answer: D
38. Vexillum is
A. Posterior largest petal
B. Anterior largest petal
C. Found in pea family
D. both 1 & 3
Answer: D
39. When calyx is shed with the opening of floral bud , it is known as
A. Caducous
B. Deciduous
C. Temporary
D. Permanent
Answer: A
40. Fruits developing from apocarpous ovary are
A. Simple fruits
B. Aggregate fruits
C. Composite fruits
D. Pseudocarpic fruits
Answer: B
41. Single shield of which of the following is an exalbuminous seed ?
A. Coleorhiza
B. Coleoptile
C. Castor seed
D. Pea seed
Answer: C
42. A dicot exalbuminous seed is
A. Wheat seed
B. Maize seed
C. Castor seed
D. Pea seed
Answer: D
43. Seeds having longest viability belong to
A. Chenopodium
B. Quercus
C. Nelumbo
D. Eucalyptus
Answer: C
44. Find incorrect matching .
A. Anemochory - Taraxacium
B. Hydrochory - Coccos
C. Zoochory - Antirrhinum
D. Autochory - Phlox
Answer: C
45. Thons, spines and prickles are
A. Respiratory organs
B. Excretory organs
C. Organs of offense
D. Defensive organs
Answer: D
46. The presence of tetradynamous condition and false septum ,i.e., replum are the feature of family
A. Solanaceae
B. Brassicaceae
C. Liliaceae
D. Fabaceae
Answer: B
47. The scientist name of black mustard is
A. Brassica campestris
B. B. rapa
C. B. Juncea
D. B. nigra
Answer: D
48. Family Leguminosae is classified into three sub-families on the basis of
A. Calyx and corolla
B. Symmetry of flower
C. Corolla and androecium
D. Corolla and carpels
Answer: C
49. Perigynous flowers and diadelphous condition are found in the family ?
A. Papilionaceae
B. Caesalpinoidae
C. Mimosoidae
D. Solanaceae
Answer: A
50. The symbol represents which one of the following family ?
A. Solanaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Cucurbitaceae
D. Labiatae
Answer: A
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