
पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास
चित्रावर क्लिक करा

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Morphology of flowering plant NEET MCQ

 Morphology of flowering plant 

26. The inflorescence of coriander is

A. Umbel

B. Corymb

C. Typical raceme

D. Umbel of umbels

Answer: D


27. Axis of the spikelet is known as

A. Rachilla

B. Pedicel

C. Appendage

D. Rachis

Answer: A


28. Three types of flowers occur in the

inflorescence of

A. Capitulum

B. Hypanthodium

C. Cyanthium

D. Umbel

Answer: B


29. The most advanced type of inflorescence is

A. Corymb

B. Capitulum

C. Spadix

D. Polychasial cyme

Answer: B


30. The elongated part of thalamus between

corolla and androecium is called

A. Anthophore

B. Androphore

C. Gynophore

D. Carpophore

Answer: B


31. If stamens are arranged in two whorls with antipetalous outer whorl , then the condition is

A. Obdiplostamenous

B. Diplostamenous

C. Didynamous

D. Epiphyllous

Answer: A


32. The cohesion of stamens is shown by which one of the following conditions ?

A. Gynandrous

B. Gynostegium

C. Synogenesious

D. Epipetalous

Answer: C


33. The most primitive and advanced type of placentations are , respectively ,

A. Marginal and axile

B. Superficial and axile

C. Superficial and basal

D. Parietal and basal

Answer: C


34. Development of flowers on old stems is an example of

A. Anthesis

B. Polycarpy

C. Anthotaxy

D. Cauliflory

Answer: D


35. Find incorrect match .

A. Campanulate - Bell-shaded corolla

B. Personate - Bilabiate corolla

C. Caryophyllaceous - Butterfly shaped corolla

D. Crusiform - Funnel shape

Answer: C


36. Flower with inferior ovary is

A. Hypogynous flower

B. Perigynous flower

C. Dichogamous flower

D. Epigynous flower

Answer: D


37. Perianth modifies into Iodicules in the members which also contain

A. Spikelet inflorescence

B. Monocarpellary ovary

C. Tetramerous flower

D. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: D


38. Vexillum is

A. Posterior largest petal

B. Anterior largest petal

C. Found in pea family

D. both 1 & 3

Answer: D


39.  When calyx is shed with the opening of floral bud , it is known as

A. Caducous

B. Deciduous

C. Temporary

D. Permanent

Answer: A


40. Fruits developing from apocarpous ovary are

A. Simple fruits

B. Aggregate fruits

C. Composite fruits

D. Pseudocarpic fruits

Answer: B


41. Single shield of which of the following is an exalbuminous seed ?

A. Coleorhiza

B. Coleoptile

C. Castor seed

D. Pea seed

Answer: C


42. A dicot exalbuminous seed is

A. Wheat seed

B. Maize seed

C. Castor seed

D. Pea seed

Answer: D


43. Seeds having longest viability belong to

A. Chenopodium

B. Quercus

C. Nelumbo

D. Eucalyptus

Answer: C


44. Find incorrect matching .

A. Anemochory - Taraxacium

B. Hydrochory - Coccos

C. Zoochory - Antirrhinum

D. Autochory - Phlox

Answer: C


45. Thons, spines and prickles are

A. Respiratory organs

B. Excretory organs

C. Organs of offense

D. Defensive organs

Answer: D


46. The presence of tetradynamous condition and false septum ,i.e., replum are the feature of family

A. Solanaceae

B. Brassicaceae

C. Liliaceae

D. Fabaceae

Answer: B


47. The scientist name of black mustard is

A. Brassica campestris

B. B. rapa

C. B. Juncea

D. B. nigra

Answer: D


48. Family Leguminosae is classified into three sub-families on the basis of

A. Calyx and corolla

B. Symmetry of flower

C. Corolla and androecium

D. Corolla and carpels

Answer: C


49. Perigynous flowers and diadelphous condition are found in the family ?

A. Papilionaceae

B. Caesalpinoidae

C. Mimosoidae

D. Solanaceae

Answer: A


50. The symbol represents which one of the following family ?

A. Solanaceae

B. Asteraceae

C. Cucurbitaceae

D. Labiatae

Answer: A

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