
पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास
चित्रावर क्लिक करा

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Morphology of flowering plant NEET MCQ

Morphology of flowering plant 

. 101. Edible part of coconut is

A. Endocarp

B. Mesocarp

C. Aril

D. Seed/endosperm

Answer: D


102. Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed from biscarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is

A. Cremocarp

B. Caryopsis

C. Cypsela

D. Berry

Answer: C


103. Pepo fruit is found in

A. Cruciferae

B. Leguminosae

C. Cucurbitaceae

D. Liliaceae

Answer: C


104. Edible part of guava is

A. Thalamus and pericarp

B. Entire fruit

C. Endocarp

D. None of the above

Answer: A


105. In which of the following fruits is the edible part the aril

A. Litchi

B. Apple

C. Mango

D. Banana

Answer: A


106. Science and practice of fruit culture is.

A. Spermology

B. Pomology

C. Anthology

D. Dendrology

Answer: B


107. Syconus fruit develops from

A. Catkin

B. Varticillaster

C. Hypanthodium

D. Cyanthium

Answer: C


108. Syconus is the name of

A. Inflorescence

B. Fruit

C. Thalamus

D. Ovary

Answer: B


109. Geocarpic fruits are produced by

A. Mango

B. Orange

C. water melon

D. Peanut

Answer: D


110. Jack fruit is

A. Sorosis

B. Syconus

C. Siliqua

D. Lomentum

Answer: A


111. Fruit of Candytuft is

A. Capsule

B. Follicle

C. Silicula

D. Pome

Answer: C


112. Schizocarpic fruit has

A. Fleshy pericarp

B. Origin from inflorescence

C. Origin from apocarpous pistil

D. Triat of breaking up into single-seeded parts

Answer: D


113. Select the correct combination of edible part

A. Coconut - Mesocarp

B. Apple - Mesocarp

C. Mango - Endocarp

D. Banana- Mesocarp- Endocarp

Answer: D


114. Which one of the following is a true match

A. Composite fruit - Pine apple

B. Aggregate fruit - Pineapple

C. True fruit - Apple

D. False fruit - Mango

Answer: A


115. A composite/sorosis fruit is

A. Banana

B. Pineapple

C. Pear

D. Coconut

Answer: B


116. Which is correct pair for edible part ?

A. Tomato - Thalamus

B. Maize - Cotyledons

C. Guava- Mesocarp

D. Date - Mesocarp

Answer: D


117. Edible part of banana is

A. Epicarp

B. Epicarp and mesocarp

C. Mesocarp and less developed endocarp

D. Endocarp and less developed mesocarp

Answer: C


118. Coir is obtained from

A. Fruit of Cocos nucifera

B. Seed of Cocos nucifera

C. Stem of Cocos nucifera

D. Leaves of Cocos nucifera

Answer: A


119.  Edible part of muberry is

A. Thalamus

B. Perianth

C. Rachis

D. Ripened ovary

Answer: B


120. Spines on the rind of jackfruit represent

A. Styles

B. Carpels

C. Stigma

D. Bracts

Answer: C


121. Which one is a composite fruit ?

A. Pea

B. Strawberry

C. Calotropis

D. Jackfruit

Answer: D


122. Fruit developed from bicarpellary syncarpous ovary having a false septum is

A. Achene

B. Siliqua

C. Capsule

D. Berry

Answer: B


123. Berries , drupes and pomes are

A. Aggregate fruits

B. Composite fruits

C. Simple dry fruits

D. Simple succulent fruits

Answer: D


124. Aril is

A. Outgrowth of integument

B. Persistent nucellus

C. Outgrowth of funicle which grows

around the ovule

D. Outgrowth from micropyle

Answer: C


125. Nature of fruit developing from a flower depends upon the type of

A. Gynoecium

B. Androecium

C. Pollination

D. Fertilization

Answer: A

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