

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास

पहिली ते दहावी संपूर्ण अभ्यास
चित्रावर क्लिक करा

Friday 26 July 2024

July 26, 2024

Morphology of flowering plants

 Morphology of flowering plants

1. The most dominant plants of present day vegetation are

A. Thallophytes

B. Bryophytes

C. Flowering plants

D. Pterdophytes

Answer: C


2. The origin of root hairs and lateral roots is , respectively ,

A. Exogenous and endogenous

B. Endogenous and exogenous

C. Both endogenously

D. Both exogenously

Answer: A


3. The primary growth in root is due to

A. Zone of maturation

B. Zone of cell division

C. Zone of cell elongation

D. Meristematic region

Answer: C


4.  Root shows negative geotropic in

A. Pothos

B. Ficus

C. Acanthorhiza

D. Sonneratia

Answer: D


5. When adventitious root shows swelling at regular intervals for food storage , it is called

A. Tubercular root

B. Nodulose root

C. Moniliform root

D. Annulated root

Answer: C


6.  Pneumatophores are generally present in

A. Mangrove plants

B. Xerophytes

C. Hydrophytes

D. Epiphytes

Answer: A


7. Root which grow from branches of Banyan tree are

A. They are branches of the shoot system

B. They are prop roots

C. They are tendrils

D. They are special organs

Answer: B


8. The underground modification of stem occurs for which one of the following function ?

A. Perennation

B. Storage of food

C. Vegetative propagation

D. All of these

Answer: D


9. Modified stem into green , flattened branches of unlimited growth for assimilatory function is called

A. Phyllode

B. Phyllocblade

C. Cladode

D. Chylocauly

Answer: B


10. Leafless stem of onion which produces cluster of terminal flowers is called

A. Peduncle

B. Floral axis

C. Scape

D. Rachis

Answer: C


11. Analogous structure of phylloclade is called

A. Pitcher

B. Phyllode

C. Cladode

D. Bulbil

Answer: B


12. Non-endospermic seed is absent in

A. Soyabean

B. Tulip

C. Lupin

D. Sunhemp

Answer: B


13. Which is not a modification of stem ?

A. Tuber of potato

B. Pitcher of Nepenthes

C. Corm of Colocasia

D. Rhizome of ginger

Answer: B


14. A lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and tuft of roots is known as

A. Sucker

B. Offset

C. Stolon

D. Decumbent

Answer: B


15. Acaulescent habit is related to

A. Allium sp.

B. Iberis sp.

C. Polyalthis sp.

D. Palms

Answer: A


16. Tripinnate compound leaf is the feature of

A. Moringa

B. Psidium

C. Rosa

D. Mimosa

Answer: A


17. Reticulate venation is the feature of dicots but some monocots also exhibits this venation . The one following this type of vennation is

A. Calophyllum

B. Smilax

C. Eryngium

D. Coraymbium

Answer: B


18. When leaves stand at right angle to next upper and lower pair , then this phyllotaxy is called

A. Alternate

B. Opposite decussate

C. Opposite superposed

D. Whorled

Answer: B


19. The terminal leaflets modify into curved hood for climbing in

A. Wild pea

B. Cocklebur

C. Cat's nail

D. Tiger's nail

Answer: C


20. The duration between the development of two consecutive leaves is called

A. Plastochron

B. Phytochrome

C. Phytron

D. None of these

Answer: A


21. In Nepenthes (Pitcher plant) the pitcher is formed due to modification of

A. Leaf leaves

B. Lamina

C. Aestivation

D. Leaf apex

Answer: B


22. Occurrence of more than one type of leaves on the same plant is

A. Vernation

B. Venation

C. Aestivation

D. Heterophylly

Answer: D


23. The swollen petiole of Eichhornia is made up of

A. Aerenchyma

B. Parenchyma

C. Chlorenchyma

D. Collenchyma

Answer: A


24. Inflorescence with thick , fleshy axis and large-colored bract is

A. Spathe

B. Spadix

C. Spikelet

D. Hypanthodium

Answer: B


25. Bisexual sessile and bracteates flowers developing acropetally in

A. Raceme

B. Panicle

C. Spike

D. Corymb

Answer: C

Thursday 25 July 2024

July 25, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)

 110. Glisson 's capsules are present in

A. Liver

B. Lung

C. Kidney

D. Stomach

Answer: A


111. Puly cavity if teeth is linked by

A. Odontoblast

B. Chondroblast

C. Osteoblast

D. Amyloblast

Answer: A


112. Secretion of gastric juice is controlled by

A. Gastrin

B. Cholecystokinin

C. Enterogastrin

D. None of these

Answer: A


113. The enzyme present in saliva is

A. Maltase

B. Ptyalin

C. Sucrase

D. lnvertase

Answer: B


114. The metal present in vitamin B12 is

A. Cobalt

B. Copper

C. Zinc

D. Magnesium

Answer: A


115. Kupffer cells are found in

A. Liver

B. Pancreas

C. Small intestine

D. Large intestine

Answer: A


116. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are found in

A. Intestine

B. Stomach

C. Oesophagus

D. All of these

Answer: A


117. Succus entericus is also called

A. Gastric juice

B. Intestine juice

C. Bile juice

D. Saliva

Answer: B


118. Dental formula of rabbit is

A. 2033/1023

B. 2133/1023

C. 2023/1023


Answer: A


119. Deamination occurs in

A. Kidney

B. Liver

C. Nephron

D. Both ( l) and(2)

Answer: D


120. Digestion of protein is completed in

 A. Stomach

B. Duodenum

C. Ileum

D. Duodenum and ileum

Answer: D


121. Enterogasterone is

A. Honnone secreted by mucosa

B. Enzyme secreted by mucosa

C. Hormone secreted by duodenal mucosa

D. Secreted by endocrine gland related to digestion

Answer: C


122. Which one of the following hormones inhibits gastric


A. Enterogasterone

B. Gastrin



Answer: A


123. Teeth of rabbits are

A. Thecodont

B. Diphyodont

C. Heterodont

D. All of these

Answer: D


124. Bile secretion is proportional to the concentration of

 A. Protein

B. Fat

C. Carbohydrate

D. None of these

Answer: B


125. Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimulated by

A. Gastrin

B. Secretin

C. Enterogastrone

D. Enterokinase

Answer: B


126. Just as hydrochloric acid is to pepsinogen, so is

A. Hemoglobin oxygen

B. Enterokinase to typsinogen

C. Bile juice to fat

D. Glucagon to glycogen

Answer: B


127. What is the function of globlet cells?

A. Production of enzyme

B. Production of mucin

C. Production of hormone

D. Production ofHCl

Answer: B


128. Lysozymes are found in

A. In saliva and tears both

B. In tears

C. In saliva

D. In mitochondria

Answer: A


129. Secretion of gastric juice is stopped by

A. Secretin

B. Enterogastrone

C. Enterokinin

D. Gastrin

Answer: B


130. Which of the following is different from other?

A. Gastrin

B. Ptyalin

C. Glucagon

D. Secretin

Answer: B


Wednesday 24 July 2024

July 24, 2024

NEET MCQ(Digestion and absorption )


195. Parotid salivary gland are present

A. below the tongue

B. below the ear

C. below the eye orbit

D. at the angle between two jaws

Answer: B


196. Which one of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease

A. Ascorbic acid-Scurvy

B. Retinol-Xerophthalmia

C. Cobalamine-Beri-beri

D. Calciferol-Pellagra

Answer: B 


197. Which one of the following mammalian cells is not capable of metabolising glucose to carbon-dioxide aerobically ?

A. Red blood cells

B. White blood cells

C. Unstriated muscle cells

D. Liver cells

Answer: A


198. Which of the following is the correct matching of the site of action on the given substrate, the enzyme acting state upon it and the end product

A. Small intestine - Proteins Pepsin Aminoacids

B. Stomach-Fats Lipase Micelles

C. Duodenum - Triglycerides Trypsin Mono- glycerides

D. Small intestine - Starch -amylase Disacharide (Maltose)

Answer: D


199. What will happen if the secretion of parietal cells ofgastric glands is blocked with an inhibitor?

A. In the absence of HCl secretion, inactive pepsinogen is not converted into the active enzyme pepsin

B. Enterokinase will not be released from the duodenal mucosa and so trypsinogen is not converted to


C. Gastric juice will be deficient in chymosin

D. Gastric juice will be deficient in pepsinogen

Answer: A


200. When breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories, the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from

A. Pellagra

B. Marasmus

C. Rickets

D. Kwashiorkor

Answer: B


201. A young infant may be feeding entirely on mother's milk which is white in colour but the stools which the infant passes out is quite yellowish. The yellow colour of stool is

due to

A. Pancreatic juice poured into duodenum

B. Intestinal juice

C. Bile pigments passed through bile juice

D. Undigested milk protein casein

Answer: C


202. Which one of the following statements is true regarding digestion and absorption of food in humans?

A. About 60% of starch is hydrolysed by salivary amylase in our mouth

B. Oxyntic cells in our stomach secrete the proenzyme pepsinogen

C. Fructose and amino acids are absorbed through intestinal mucosa with the help of carrier ions like Na+

D. Chylomicrons are small lipoprotein particles that are transported from intestine into blood capillaries

Answer: C


203. Which one of the following pairs of food components in human reaches the stomach totally undigested

A. Starch and cellulose

B. Protein and starch

C. Starch and fat

D. Fat and cellulose

Answer: D


204. Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption of substance like

A. Amino acids and glucose

B. Glucose and fatty acids

C. Fatty acids and glycerol

D. Fructose and some amino acids

Answer: A


205. If for some reason our goblet cells are non-functional, this will adversely effect

A. Production of somatostatin

B. Secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands

C. Maturation of sperms

D. Smooth movement of food down the intestine

Answer: D


206. Consumption of which one of the following foods can prevent the kind of blindness associated with vitamin 'A' deficiency?

A. Canolla

B. Golden rice

C. Bt-Brinjal

D. Flaver Savr tomato

Answer: B


207. Currgisis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of

A. Alcohol

B. Tobacco ( chewing)

C. Cocaine

D. Opium

Answer: A


208. Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an otherwise normal human, may lead to

A. Jaundice

B. Diarrhoea

C. Vomiting

D. Indigestion

Answer: D


209. Two friends are eating togeather on a dinning table. One of them suddenly starts coughing while swallowing some food. This coughing would have been due to improper movement of

A. Tongue

B. Epiglottis

C. Diaphragm

D. Neck

Answer: B


210. The purplish red pigment rhodopsin contained in the rods type of photoreceptor cells of the human eye, is a derivative of

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin B 1

C. Vitamin C

D. Vitamin D

Answer: A


211. Where do certain symboitic microorganisms normally occur in human body

A. Caecum

B. Oral lining and tongue surface

C. Vermiform appendix and rectum

D. Duodenum

Answer: A


212. The intitial step in digestion of milk in infant is carreid out by

A. Lipase

B. Trypsin

C. Rennin

D. Pepsin

Answer: C


213. Fructose is absorbed into the blood through mucosa cells of intestine by process called

A. active transport

B. facilitated transport

C. simple diffusion

D. co-transport mechanism

Answer: B


214. Which of the following statements is not correct'?

A. Acini are present in the pancreas and secrete carboxy-peptidase

B. Brunner's glands are present in the submucosa of stomach and secrete pepsinogen

C. Goblet cells are present in the mucosa of intestine and secrete mucus

D. Oxyntic cells are present in the mucosa of stomachand secrete HCl

Answer: C


215. Gastric juice of infants contains

A. amylase, rennin, pepsinogen

B. maltase, pepsinogen, rennin

C. nuclease, pepsinogen, lipase

D. pepsinogen, lipase, rennin

Answer: D


216. The primary dentition in human differs from permanent dentition in not having one of the following type of teeth

A. Incisors

B. Canine

C. Premolars

D. Molars

Answer: C


217. The enzyme that is not present in succus entericus is
A. lipase
B. maltase
C. nucleases
D. nucleosidase
Answer: B

218. In the stomach, gastric acid is secreted by the
A. gastrin secreting cells
B. parietal cells
C. peptic cells
D. acidic cells
Answer: B


219. Which of the following guards the opening of heatopancretic duct into the ducodenum
A. Semilunar valve
B. Ileocaecal valve
C. Pyloric sphincter
D. Sphincter of Oddi
Answer: D
July 24, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)


176 .physical and chemical digestion,
food is called
A. Chyme
B. Chyle
C. Amino acid
D. Bolus
Answer: A


177. A normal human being requires how much calories per day?
A. 2500 kcal
B. 4000 kcal
C. 5000 kcal
D. 686 kcal
Answer: A


178. Fully digested food reaches to liver by
A. Hepatic portal vein
B. Hepatic artery
C. Hepatic vein
D. All of the above
Answer: A

179. Dental formula of adolescent human being before 17 years
A. 2122/2122
B. 2123/2123
C. 2102/2102
D. 2023/2023
Answer: A

180. In mammals, milk is digested by the action of
A. Rennin
B. Amylase
C. Intestinal bacteria
D. Invertase
Answer: A

181. Which food should be eaten in the deficiency of rhodopsin eyes ?
A. Carrot and ripe papaya
B. Guava and banana
C. Mango and Potato
D. None
Answer: A


182. Which one is correctly matched?
A. Vit. E-Tocopherole
B. Vit. D-Riboflavin
C. Vit. B-Calciferole
D. Vit. A-Thiamine
Answer: A


183. Most abundant organic compound on earth is
A. Protein
B. Cellulose
C. Lipids
D. Steroids
Answer: B

184. Stool of a person is whitish grey coloured due to malfunction of which of the following organs?
A. Pancreas
B. Spleen
C. Kidney
D. Liver
Answer: D


185. Fluride pollution initially affects
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Teeth
D. Kidney
Answer: C

86. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched

A. Vitamin C-Scurvy
B. Vitamin B2 -Pellagra
C. Vitamin B12 -Pemicious anaemia
D. Vitamin B6 -Beri-beri
Answer: D


187. Which one of the following elements plays an important role in biological nitrogen fixation
Browning of cauliflower takes due to deficiency of which one of the following elements
A. Copper
B. Manganese
C. Zinc
D. Molybdenum
Answer: D


188. Ptyalin is an enzyme of
A. Salivary juice
B. Pancreatic juice
C. Intestinal juice
D. None of these
Answer: A


189. Injury to vagus nerve in humans is not likely to affect
A. Gastrointestinal movement
B. Pancreatic secretion
C. Cardiac movements
D. Tongue movements
Answer: D


190. Which one of the following is the correct matching of a vitamin , its nature and its deficiency disease
A. Vitamin K- Fat-soluble-Beri -beri
B. Vitamin A- Fat-soluble- Beri -beri
C. Vitamin K- Water-soluble-Pellagra
D. Vitamin A- Fat-soluble-Night blindness
Answer: D


191. Which of the following controls the peristalic movement of the intestine
A. Sacral plexus
B. Brnchiul plexus
C. Meissners plexus
D. Aucrhudts plcxus
Answer: C


192. Vermiform appendix is a part of
A. Alimentary canal
B. Nervous system
C. Vascular system
D. Reproductive system
Answer: A


193. The predominant antibody in saliva is
A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgD
Answer: B


194. In humans, Glisson capsule is associated with
A. Digestive system
B. Excretory system
C. Nervous system
D. Reproductive system
Answer: A


Tuesday 23 July 2024

July 23, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)


153. One of the following is not an enzyme of digestive system

A. Enterokinase

B. Amylase

C. Trypsin

D. Enterogasterone

Answer: D


154. Secretin stimulates production of

A. Saliva

B. Gastrin

C. Bile

D. Pancreatic juice

Answer: D


155. Peyer's patches are found on the ileum in

A. Enterokinase

B. Lymphocyte

C. Mucous

D. Trypsin

Answer: B


156. Which teeth are absent in rabbit '?

A. Incisor

B. Canine

C. Molar

D. Premolar

Answer: B


157. In mammals . carbohydrates are stored in the forme of

A. Lactic acid in muscles

B. Glycogen in liver and muscles

C. Glucose in liver and muscles

D. Glycogen in liver and spleen

Answer: B


158. The cells in the wall of intestine are stimulated to produce scretin by

A. Cholycystokinin

B. Bile juice

C. Acid in chyme

D. Gastrin

Answer: C


159. Types of teeth in rabbit are

A. Thecodont

B. Acrodont

C. Pleurodont

D. Homodont

Answer: A


160. Bile is formed in

A. Gall bladder

B. Liver

C. Spleen

D. Blood

Answer: B


161. Beri-beri,Scruvy and Rickets are respectively caused by

A. B1,D and C

B. B1,C and D

C. D, B1 and A

D. A ,D and C

Answer: B


162. Which of the following pair is characterised by swollen lips, thick pigmented skin of hands and legs and


A. Thiamine-Beri-beri

B. Protein-Kwashiorkor

C. N icotinamide--Pellagra

D. Iodine-Goiter

Answer: C


163. Maximum number of enzymes occur in

A. Omnivores

B. Herbivores

C. Carnivores

D. None of the a bove

Answer: A


164. Inhibition of gastric and stimulation of gastric, pancreatic and bile secretions are controlled by


A. Gastrin, secretin, enterokinin. and CCK

B. Enterogasterone, gastrin, pancreozymin, and CCK

C. Gastrin, enterogasterone, CCK. and pancreozymin

D. Secret in, enterogasterone, secretin, and enterokinin

Answer: B


165. Lacteal take part

A. Digestion of milk

B. Absorption of fat

C. Digestion of lactic acid

D. None of the above

Answer: B


166. A dental disease characterised by mottling of teeth is due to the presence of certain chemical element in drinking water. Which of the following is that element?

A. Fluorine

B. Chlorine

C. Boron

D. Mercury

Answer: A


167. Function of HCl in stomach is to

A. Kill microorganisms of food

B. Facilitate absorption of food

C. Dissolve enzymes

D. Activate pepsinogen to pepsin

Answer: D


168. Contraction of gall bladder is induced by



C. Secretin

D. Enterogasterone

Answer: A


169. Enamel of teeth is secreted by

A. Ameloblast

B. Odontoblast

C. Osteoblast

D. Osteoclast

Answer: A


170. Which is caused by deficiency of protein ?

A. Rickets

B. Scurvy

C. Kwashiorkar

D. Carotenemia

Answer: C


171. Lactose is composed of

A. Glucose + Galactose

B. Glucose+ Fructose

C. Glucose + Glucose

D. Glucose+ Mannose

Answer: A


172. Vitamin which induced maturation of R.B.C.

A. B1

B. A

C. B12

D. D

Answer: C


173. The lower jaw in mammals is made up of

A. Dentary

B. Maxilla

C. Premaxilla

D. Palatine

Answer: A


Monday 22 July 2024

July 22, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)


131. Trypsin differs from pepsin in digestion of protein

A. Carbohydrate in alkalilne medium in stomach

B. Protion in alkaine meium in stomach

C. Protien in acidic medium in stomach

D. Protein in alkaline medium duodenum

Answer: D


132. Pancreatic juice is

A. Alkaline in nature

B. Acidic in nature

C. Enzymatic in nature

D. Both acidic and al kaline in nature

Answer: A


133. Scurvy disease is due to

A. Presence of h-factor in blood

B. Deficiency of vitamin E

C. Virus

D. Deficiency of vitamin C

Answer: D


134. Vitamin D is called :

A. Riboflavin

B. Ascorbic acid

C. Niacin

D. Calciferol

Answer: D


135. From which of the following, pepsin is secreted

A. Lungs

B. Stomach

C. Salivary gland

D. Sebaceous gland

Answer: B


135. From which of the following, pepsin is secreted

A. Lungs

B. Stomach

C. Salivary gland

D. Sebaceous gland

Answer: B


136. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are involved in

 A. Secretion of succus entericus

B. Secretion of rennin

C. Secretion of ptyalin

D. digestion of food

Answer: A


137. Which one of the following vitamins can be synthesized by bacteria inside the gut

A. B1

B. A

C. E

D. B12

Answer: A


138. Vitamin-C is mainly helpful in

A. Growth of bones

B. Formation of connective tissue

C. Treatment of anemia

D. Formation of visual pigment

Answer: B


139. A person who is addict of alcohol gets his liver destroyed beacuse

A. Liver stores excess of protein

B. Liver stores excess of fat

C. Liver stores excess of starch

D. Liver stores excess of glycogen

Answer: B


140. Bilirubin and biliverdin are present in

A. Pancreatic juice

B. Saliva

C. Bile juice

D. Intestinaljuice

Answer: C


141. Brunner's gland are found in which of the following layers

A. Submucosa of stomach

B. Submucosa of duodenum

C. Mucosa of oesophagus

D. Mucosa of ileum

Answer: B


142. Which of the following does not belong to vitamin B group

A. Riboflavin

B. Nicotin

C. Cyanocobalamine

D. Tocopherol

Answer: D


143. Deficiency of which vitamin ca uses night blindness

A. Vitamin C

B. Vitamin D

C. Vitamin A

D. Vitamin D

Answer: C


144. Certa in B v itamins are

A. Enzymes

B. Coenzymes

C. Hormone

D. Digestive substance

Answer: B


145. Deficiency of thi amine causes

A. Beri-beri

B. Rickets

C. Caries

D. Pellagera

Answer: A


146. The anti-sterility or anti-reproductory vitamin is:

A. Vitamin B12

B. Vitamin D

C. Vitamin E

D. Vitamin A

Answer: C


147. The longitudinal muscular folds of inner wall of stomach are called

A. Papilla of Yater

B. Rugae

C. Villi

D. Fissure

Answer: B


148. Phagocytic cells of liver are

A. Dieter 's cells

B. Kupffer 's cells

C. Hensen cells

D. Aciner cells

Answer: B


149. The cryspts of lieberkuhn secrete ,

A. Gastrin

B. Rennin

C. Cholecystokinin

D. Succus entricus

Answer: D


150. The amount of gastric juice secreted per day from

man's stomach is about

A. 500-1000 mL

B. 2000-3000 mL

C. 100-500 mL

D. 10-15 mL

Answer: A


151. In adults the deficiency of vitamin D causes

A. Rickets

B. Beri-beri

C. Scurvy

D. Osteomalacia

Answer: A


152. The function of enterogasterone hormone is

A. Control excretion

B. Inhibit gastric juice secretion

C. Regulate the absorption of food

D. Stimulate gastric glands to release gastric juice

Answer: B


Saturday 20 July 2024

July 20, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)


88. Hydrolysis of lipid yields

A. Fats
B. Fatty acids and glycerol
C. Mannose and glycerol
D. Maltose and fatty acid
Answer: B


89. Which of the following vessel in rabbit starts with capillaries and ends in capillaries Which one of the following vein breaks up into capillaries

A. Pulmonary artery
B. Renal vein
C. Hepatic portal vein
D. Renal artery
Answer: C


90. Glucose and galactose unite to form

A. Maltose
B. Sucrose
C. Isomaltose
D. Lactose
Answer: D


91. Dental formula in human beings is

A. 2123/2123
Answer: A


92. Vitamin C is

A. Ascorbic acid
B. Citric acid
C. Phosphoric acid
D. Glutamic acid
Answer: A


93. Brunner's gland are found in which of the following layers

A. Submucosa of stomach
B. Mucosa of ileum
C. Submucosa of duodenum
D. Mucosa of oesophagus
Answer: C


94. The chief function of bile is to

A. Digest fat by enzymatic action
B. Emulsify fats for digestion
C. Eliminate waste products
D. Regulate digestion of proteins
Answer: B


95. The toxic substance are detoxicated in the human body by

A. Lungs
B. Kidney
C. Liver
D. Stomach
Answer: C


96. Crypts of Lieberkühn are found in between the villi. They have secrete

A. Glucagon
B. Succus entericus
C. Insulin
D. None
Answer: B

97. Parotid salivary gland are present

A. Below the tongue
B. Below the external auditory canal
C. Below the eye orbit
D. In the angle between two jaws
Answer: B

98. The end product of carbohydrate metabolism is

A. CO2 and H2O
B. NH3 andCO2
C. NH3 andH2O
D. CO2
Answer: A

99. Pepsinogen is secreted by

A. Argentaffin cells
B. Goblets cells
C. Chief cells
D. Parietal cells
Answer: C

100. The muscular contraction in the alimentry canal is
known as
A. Systole
B. Diastole
C. Peristalsis
D. Metachronal
Answer: C

101. How many teeth in man grows twice in life
A. 32
B. 28
C. 20
D. 12
Answer: C

102. End products of protein hydrolysis are
A. Mixture of amino acids
B. Sugars
C. Peptides
D. 25 amino acids
Answer: A

103. The hormone "secretin" stimulates the secretion of
A. Pancreatic juice
B. Bile juice
C. Salivary juice
D. Gastric juice
Answer: A


104. Brunner's glands are present in
A. Ileum
B. Duodenum
C. Stomach
D. Oesophagus
Answer: B


105. Chymotrypsinogen is produced by
A. Liver
B. Pancreas
C. Stomach
D. Duodenum
Answer: B

106. Scurvy disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin
A. B complex
B. C
C. K
D. D
Answer: B

107. Which teeth of human are shovel-shaped and used for nibbing ,cutting and tearing
A. Canine
B. Incisor
C. Molar
D. Premolar
Answer: B

108. HCI is secreted by whi ch of the rollowing cells of stomach?
A. Chief cells
B. Parietal cell ( oxyntic cells)
C. Peptic cells
D. Goblet cells
Answer: B

109. Fatty liver syndrome is due to excessive intake of
A. Morphine
B. Alcohol
C. Tobacco
D. Both(1) and (2 )
Answer: B

Friday 19 July 2024

July 19, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)


66. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched

A. Vitamin C-Scurvy
B. Vitamin B2 -Pellagra
C. Vitamin B12 -Pernicious anemia
D. Vitamin B6 -Beri-beri
Answer: D


67. Cells of the pancreas are not digested by their own enzymes because

A. Enzymes are secreted in inactive form
B. Cells are lined by mucous membrane
C. Enzymes are released only when needed
D. None of the above
Answer: A


68. Cholecystokinin is secretion of

A. Duodenum that causes contraction of gall bladder
B. Goblet cells of ileum the stimulate secretion of succus entericus
C. Liver and controls secondary sex characters
D. Stomach that stimulates pancreas to release juice
Answer: A

69. Enzyme trypsinogen is changed to trypsin by

A. Gastrin
B. Enterogastrone
C. Enterokinase
D. Secretin
Answer: C


70. Castle's intrinsic factor is connected with internal absorption of

A. Pyridoxine
B. Riboflavin
C. Thiamine
D. Cobalaminc
Answer: D

71. Aminopeptidase, a digestive enzyme a produces

A. Dipeptides
B. Smaller peptides
C. Peptones
D. Amino group
Answer: B


72. Highest B.M.R. occurs in

A. Elephant
B. Rabbit
C. Human
D. Whale
Answer: B


73. Excessive intake of alcohol causes

A. Jaundice
B. Dermatitis
C. Liver cirrhosis
D. Lung fibroses
Answer: C

74. Muscular contractions of alimentary canal are

A. Circulation
B. Deglutition
C. Churning
D. Peristalsis
Answer: D


75. Vitamin D is produced in human body by

A. Muscles
B. Nerves
C. Skin
D. None of these
Answer: C

76. Fatty acids and glycerol are first absorbed by

A. Lymph vessels
B. Blood
C. Blood capilaries
D. Hepatic portal Vein
Answer: A


77. During rest, metabolic requirements are minimum. This

is indicated by
A. Pulse
B. Breathing
C. O2 in take and CO2 output
D. All the above
Answer: D

78. During prolonged fasting

A. First fats are used up, followed by carbohydrates from liver and muscles, and protein in the end
B. First carbohydrates are used up, followed by fats and proteins towards end
C. First lipids, followed by proteins and carbohydrates towards end
D. None of the above
Answer: B


79. In which animal, tongue controls the temperature?

A. Rabbit
B. Dog
C. Man
D. Cow
Answer: B


80. The largest gland in the human body is

A. Pancreas
B. Duodenum
C. Liver
D. Thyroid
Answer: C


81. Which food substance is absorbed during digestion?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Vitamins
D. Fats
Answer: C


82. Which substance of saliva destroy harmful bacteria

A. Cerumin
B. Chyme
C. Lysozyme
D. Secret
Answer: C


83. Which hormones induces secretion of succus entencus

A. Insulin
B. Secretin and cholycystokinin
C. Glucagon
D. Secretin
Answer: D


84. If the dental formula of Rabbit is 2033/1023. What does

it show
A. Total number of teeth in rabbit is 15.
B. Number of total incisors in rabbit is 3.
C. Diastema is present between incisors and premolars
D. In the formula, 2033 is for adults and 1023 is for young ones.
Answer: C


85. Which of the following is not a disaccharide

A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Sucrose
D. Galactose
Answer: C


86. Which is correct about the bile?

A. It is synthesized by gall bladder and also stored there
B. It is an enzyme which emulsifies the fats
C. It contain bile salts and bile pigments
D. Bilirubin present in it decomposes fats
Answer: C


87. When all the peptide bonds of a protein have been broken down . The result would be

A. Amide
B. Oligosaccharide
C. Polypeptide
D. Amino acid
Answer: D


88. Hydrolysis of lipid yields

A. Fats
B. Fatty acids and glycerol
C. Mannose and glycerol
D. Maltose and fatty acid
Answer: B

Thursday 18 July 2024

July 18, 2024

NEET MCQ (digestion and absorption)

 Digestion and absorption 

54. Canines are completely absent in

A. Rabbit
B. Squirrel
C. Rat
D. All of these
Answer: D


55. Which of the following is present in the saliva of all mammals?

A. Mucin
B. Salivary amylase
C. Diastase
D. Amylopsin
Answer: A


56. Which of the following state

A. The first buccal phase of deglutition is voluntary
B. Larynx rises
C. Epiglottis closes off the trachea
D. None of these
Answer: D

57. The substances which increase biliary synthesis from liver e.g. bile salts are called as

A. Choleretic
B. Cholagogues
C. Chloragogen
D. Cholecystokinin-Pancreozymin
Answer: A

58. Which of the following digestive enzyme coagulates blood by hydrolyzing fibrinogen to fibrin? It also helps predatory mammals to digest the blood they drink from their prey

A. Pepsin
B. Trypsin
C. Thrombin
D. Carboxypeptidase
Answer: B


59. In sodium-dependent glucose transport, i.e., symport or co-transport

A. Na+ is transported passively from the lumen into the gut, glucose is transported against concentration gradient
B. Na+ and glucose both are transported actively into the gut from lumen
C. Na+ and glucose both are transported passively
D. Na+ is transported actively and glucose passively
Answer: A


60. Which statement is not true regarding the digestive system of frog?

A. Oxyntic cells are present in stomach
B. Small intestine is made up of two parts: duodenum
and ileum
C. A large number of trne villi are present with ileum
D. The function of rectum is to absorb water
Answer: C


61. Vermiform appendix is present in

(a) Frog
(b) Rabbit
(c) Human
A. (c) only
B. (b) and (c) only
C. (a) and (b) only
D. All three
Answer: B


62. The infection by a protozoan such as Entamoeba can lead to colitis which is characterized by

A. Loose motion
B. Bloody feces
C. Dehydration
D. All of these
Answer: D


63. Which of the following can be taken as provitamins

A. Ergosterol
B. Carotene
C. Calciferol
D. Both (1 ) and (2)
Answer: D


64. Which of the following can be taken as isotelic vitamins?

A. Thiamine and phylioquinone
B. Calciferol and niacin
C. Phylloquinone and menadione
D. Retinol and riboflavin
Answer: C


65. People recovering from long illness are often advised to include the alga Spirulina in their diet because it:

A. Makes the food easy to digest
B. Is rich in protein and vitamin B12
C. Has antibiotic properties
D. Restores the intestinal flora
Answer: B

Wednesday 17 July 2024

July 17, 2024

NEET MCQ (Digestion and absorption)

 Digestion and absorption 

44. Which of the following vegetarian meals will supply all essential amino acids in correct proportions for synthesizing human proteins?

A. Spinach and beans
B. Com and rice
C. Beans and rice
D. Peas and beans
Answer: C

45. Vitamin-containing cobalt cyanide linkage is

A. A
B. B1
C. B6
D. B12
Answer: D


46. Recently discovered vitamin having anti-cancer properties is

A. Vitamin B5
B. Vitamin B15
C. Vitamin B17
D. Vitamin Q
Answer: C


47. Tonics made out of the liver are very effective in curing hnemopoietic disorder because

A. They contain proteins
B. They contain RBCs
C. They contain bile juice
D. They contain vitaniin B12
Answer: D

48. Find the odd one out

A. Vitamin K, prothrombin
B. Zinc, carbonic anhydrase
C. Vitamin B1, paralysis
D. Sulfur, phosphatase
Answer: D


49. The people dependent exclusively on maize diet , are more likely to suffer from

A. Pellagra
B. Rickets
C. Beriberi
D. Pernicious anaemia
Answer: A


50. Pernicious anaemia is caused by deficiency of vitamin

A. B1
B. B12
C. C
D. D
Answer: B


51. A man is said to be starving when

A. Food that he eats does not meet the loss of energy
B. Food that he eats meets the loss of energy
C. He begins to store reserve food
D. None of these
Answer: A


52. The black tongue disease in dogs is associated with the deficiency of

A. Menadione
B. Niacin
C. Retinol
D. Calciferol
Answer: B

53. Maximum number of teeth in a eutherian mammal is

A. 50, Opossum
B. 44, Horse
C. 36, Lemur
D. 34, Kangaroo
Answer: A
