153. One of the following is not an enzyme of digestive system
A. Enterokinase
B. Amylase
C. Trypsin
D. Enterogasterone
Answer: D
154. Secretin stimulates production of
A. Saliva
B. Gastrin
C. Bile
D. Pancreatic juice
Answer: D
155. Peyer's patches are found on the ileum in
A. Enterokinase
B. Lymphocyte
C. Mucous
D. Trypsin
Answer: B
156. Which teeth are absent in rabbit '?
A. Incisor
B. Canine
C. Molar
D. Premolar
Answer: B
157. In mammals . carbohydrates are stored in the forme of
A. Lactic acid in muscles
B. Glycogen in liver and muscles
C. Glucose in liver and muscles
D. Glycogen in liver and spleen
Answer: B
158. The cells in the wall of intestine are stimulated to produce scretin by
A. Cholycystokinin
B. Bile juice
C. Acid in chyme
D. Gastrin
Answer: C
159. Types of teeth in rabbit are
A. Thecodont
B. Acrodont
C. Pleurodont
D. Homodont
Answer: A
160. Bile is formed in
A. Gall bladder
B. Liver
C. Spleen
D. Blood
Answer: B
161. Beri-beri,Scruvy and Rickets are respectively caused by
A. B1,D and C
B. B1,C and D
C. D, B1 and A
D. A ,D and C
Answer: B
162. Which of the following pair is characterised by swollen lips, thick pigmented skin of hands and legs and
A. Thiamine-Beri-beri
B. Protein-Kwashiorkor
C. N icotinamide--Pellagra
D. Iodine-Goiter
Answer: C
163. Maximum number of enzymes occur in
A. Omnivores
B. Herbivores
C. Carnivores
D. None of the a bove
Answer: A
164. Inhibition of gastric and stimulation of gastric, pancreatic and bile secretions are controlled by
A. Gastrin, secretin, enterokinin. and CCK
B. Enterogasterone, gastrin, pancreozymin, and CCK
C. Gastrin, enterogasterone, CCK. and pancreozymin
D. Secret in, enterogasterone, secretin, and enterokinin
Answer: B
165. Lacteal take part
A. Digestion of milk
B. Absorption of fat
C. Digestion of lactic acid
D. None of the above
Answer: B
166. A dental disease characterised by mottling of teeth is due to the presence of certain chemical element in drinking water. Which of the following is that element?
A. Fluorine
B. Chlorine
C. Boron
D. Mercury
Answer: A
167. Function of HCl in stomach is to
A. Kill microorganisms of food
B. Facilitate absorption of food
C. Dissolve enzymes
D. Activate pepsinogen to pepsin
Answer: D
168. Contraction of gall bladder is induced by
C. Secretin
D. Enterogasterone
Answer: A
169. Enamel of teeth is secreted by
A. Ameloblast
B. Odontoblast
C. Osteoblast
D. Osteoclast
Answer: A
170. Which is caused by deficiency of protein ?
A. Rickets
B. Scurvy
C. Kwashiorkar
D. Carotenemia
Answer: C
171. Lactose is composed of
A. Glucose + Galactose
B. Glucose+ Fructose
C. Glucose + Glucose
D. Glucose+ Mannose
Answer: A
172. Vitamin which induced maturation of R.B.C.
A. B1
B. A
C. B12
D. D
Answer: C
173. The lower jaw in mammals is made up of
A. Dentary
B. Maxilla
C. Premaxilla
D. Palatine
Answer: A
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